Customize the app string, image resources, and settings
Begin the actual app customization by changing its most visible identifiers.
Before you customize the app, make a copy of the DeploymentKitApp and keep it in a safe place.
You can perform any of the following tasks to customize the app appearance, working in a copy of the DeploymentKitApp in Xcode on your computer.
- Sign the app for distribution
If you are targeting iOS 10 devices or the simulator, you must sign the application with your team signing identity. You might also need to add the entitlement for Keychain sharing to your application in Xcode. - Modifying the app icon
The Spotfire Deployment Kit for Apple iOS app uses image asset catalogs for the app icon. You can change the app icon that appears in the home screen on the iOS device. - Editing the launch screen storyboard
The Spotfire Deployment Kit for Apple iOS app uses a storyboard resource file for the startup (launch screen) image. You can change the launch screen that displays when the app opens. The LaunchScreen.storyboard is an interface builder storyboard file that uses auto-layout and some basic constraints on the controls to adjust the display for all the supported devices. - Adding optional content to the Settings view footer area
If you want to provide an image or other content in the Settings view, you can provide the HTML file in the app bundle. - Changing the app title
You can change the name of the app as it appears on the Home screen and in the Settings app. - Modifying the app iTunes store picture
When your app appears in the iTunes store, the image that it uses is obtained from your app package with an image file called iTunesArtwork. You can customize this image file. - Modifying the app version number
By default, the version number of the app is set to 1.0 and the build number is also set to 1.0. You can change these numbers. You should increment the app version number with each release of your app. - Modifying the app end user license agreement
The Settings view includes an end user license agreement (EULA). You can customize this EULA. - The app strings
The app strings contained in the file Localizable.strings are used by the app to display user interface elements and information to the user during an operation. You can have multiple copies of this file—one for each language you translate for—each in a folder specifying a target language. - Modifying the app images
Nearly all of the images used in the user interface of the app can be customized. Override the default image with one you create that has the same dimensions, file name, and extension as the default. - The app settings
The DeploymentKitApp comes with a Settings bundle that is a duplicate of the default Settings bundle in the Spotfire for Apple iOS app.
Next topic: Customize app behavior
Previous topic: Setting up the build environment
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