Changing the titles of values in Settings

The file Root.plist specifies the settings for the app; however, you can override the values in the localized settings bundle file Root.strings.

For this task, work in the Xcode Navigator.


  1. Open the file DeploymentKitApp/Settings/Settings.bundle/langcode.lproj/Root.strings (where langcode is the two-letter language specifier for the folder).
  2. In the file Root.strings, locate the setting value to change.
  3. Set the key to the existing title, and set the value to the new title.
    Customized value titles must follow the format "[existing title]" = "[newtitle]";
    Tip: Leave spaces on either side of the equal sign, and put a semi-colon at the end of the line.
  4. Rebuild and redeploy the app to the device to test. The Settings app displays the new value setting.

Example: changed title in Settings

In the following example, suppose you want to change the title defined in the file Root.plist in the Titles array from "No Timeout" to "Takes forever".

Root.plist contains the following setting:

Root.strings values

To override the definition, open the file Root.strings, and then add the following line:

"No Timeout" = "Takes forever";

When the app is rebuilt and redeployed on the device, the Settings app displays the title Takes forever as the last choice in the Timeout setting.

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