Adding optional content to the Settings view footer area

If you want to provide an image or other content in the Settings view, you can provide the HTML file in the app bundle.

Perform this task in the copy of the DeploymentKitApp in Xcode on your computer.


  1. Create an HTML document containing any image, link, or text you want to display.
    The available content area is 180 points high and as wide as the Settings view displays, which depends on the device and orientation used.
  2. Save the HTML document with the name SettingsFooter.html.
  3. Place the file SettingsFooter.html in the project.
    Tip: Place SettingsFooter.html in the Resources folder, where other project resources are kept.


When the project is built and tested, the contents are displayed in the footer of the Settings view.
Note: The footer view remains hidden until the HTML file and all resources referenced from it have finished loading. Consider using only local resources.

Settings view with content in the footer area