Successful Deployment

REST returns a Status of 200 (OK) when the archive is successfully deployed. A successful REST execution returns the Engine-Instance and Engine-Id where the archive deployed.

Example response (application/JSON):

    "result": {
        "name": "Archive Deployment",
        "value": {
            "message": "ENGINE '[1885509966828815621-5 : my_archive.ear]' DEPLOYED",
            "Engine-Instance": "5",
            "Engine-Id": "1885509966828815621"
    "status": 200

Knowing the Engine-Id, Engine-Instance, and the full ArchiveName allows for invocation of START, STOP, and UNDEPLOY methods to enable full control of the Archive life cycle.

An unsuccessful deployment returns an error of Status 500 or some other appropriate error status depending on the cause.