Target Platform

During the development of plug-ins, your plug-in depends on other plug-ins, for example, the SWT and JFace plug-ins. The set of plug-ins that you can use for your development is defined by the plug-ins in your workspace in addition with the plug-ins defined by your target platform.

When you launch TIBCO Business Studio, the bw-runtime platform is used by default. You have to change the platform to the running (design-time) platform when using BusinessWorks Plug-in Development Kit to generate the palette code.

  • Running Platform

    This target platform is required for the design-time module. You can work on the UI related features when the target platform is set to Running Platform.

  • bw-runtime Platform

    This target platform is required for the runtime module. You can work on the runtime related features when the target platform is set to bw-runtime.

Click Window > Preferences, and then click Plug-in Development > Target Platform. The target platform in use is selected.