All Classes and Interfaces

Represents the data for a line chart, a bar chart or a category bar chart.
Represents common options for bar charts and category bar charts.
Defines permissions to allow upload or delete of the digital asset.
Defines the action to apply on new digital assets when uploading.
Specifies the configuration used for additional fields that are involved in a one to many fields transformation function, such as aggregation or split.
Defines an Adix add-on exception.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by DataExchangeService.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by DataExchangeResult.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by DataExchangeSpec.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by DataExchangeServiceFactory.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by DataExchangeService.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by DataExchangeResult.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by ImportResult.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by DataExchangeSpec.
Represents a transformation function of TransformationCategory.AGGREGATE.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by AggregationTransformation.
Provides the method used in an aggregation transformation.
Provides a context for an aggregation transformation when transferring, exporting, or importing data.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by AggregationTransformationExecutionValue.
Specifies the configuration used to import data into a file.
Represents an element's relative position in relation to another element.
Provides the methods to get a PrimaryKey set that identifies records in the Application interface preference table located in the {addon.label} dataset.
Specifies the configuration used to map source and target applications.
ApplicationMappingHelper<SC extends Field,TC extends Field,T extends Table<SC>>
Provides the methods to get ApplicationMapping.
Creates instances of ApplicationMappingHelper.
Defines possible application types.
Provide functions to support managing digital asset
Types of assets available.
Defines a chart axis configuration.
Represents the data for a line chart or a bar chart.
It contains multiple data points on a single axis.
Defines the backup restore factory.
Defines the backup service.
Defines the backup specifications.
Provides bar chart options.
Base builder of FunctionDefinition instances.
Defines fields in the Big data report table - Insight - Reporting data set.
Represents a decimal outcome of IndicatorReport.
Represents a transformation definition for converting from boolean to string.
Represents a boolean outcome of IndicatorReport.
Defines the panel's border style.
A collection consists of multiple category slices.
It is represented on a category bar chart as bars of the same color.
The data for category bar charts.
The options for category bar charts.
Abstract class used as the base for pie chart data as well as category bar chart data.
Represents multiple category slices.
Represents a label and a numerical value.
It can be used either as a slice inside a pie chart, or as a bar in a category bar chart.
Provides state operations for the EBX™ Match and Merge Add-on.
Represents a chart.
Defines the chart configuration for a function.
Builder of ChartConfigForFunction instances.
A factory class to create instances of different kinds of charts.
Types of charts available to apply to indicators.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by SpreadsheetField, CSVField.
Defines the configuration for an application.
Provides the methods to get a CommonApplication.
Provides configuration operations for the EBX™ Match and Merge Add-on.
Specifies the configuration used for data import, export and transfer.
Declares a custom connector.
Registers a custom connector.
Mapping step for a constant value.
Represents a transformation function of TransformationCategory.CONVERSION.
Looks up value from an EBX table.
Represents a transformation function of TransformationCategory.CROSS_REFERENCE.
Mapping step for a CrossReference.
Provides the methods to get an ApplicationMapping instance for CSV export.
Specifies the configuration used when exporting data to a CSV file.
Provides the context to get the DataExchangeSpec for exporting CSV from the configuration declared in the {addon.label} dataset.
Template specification for CSV export.
Specifies CSV field configuration information.
Field in a CSVTable.
Provides the methods to get an ApplicationMapping instance for CSV import.
Specifies the configuration used when importing data from a CSV file.
Provides the context to get the DataExchangeSpec for importing CSV from the configuration declared in the {addon.label} dataset.
Template specification for CSV import.
Represents the CSV source table in a TableMapping.
Specification for a CSVSourceTable.
Builder for creating an instance of CSVSourceTableSpec.
Specifies the configuration for a CSV table.
Table structure in a CSV data source.
Extends TableGeneration to generate a CSVTable instance.
Extends TableHelper to get CSVTable declared in the {addon.label} dataset.
Specifies the configuration used to get the CSVTable declared in the {addon.label} dataset.
Represents the CSV target table in a TableMapping.
Specification for a CSVTargetTable.
Builder for creating an instance of CSVTargetTableSpec.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by ValidatorContext.
Generates a custom diagram.
Defines the exception for the {addon.label}.
Represents a dashboard configuration in DashboardExportSpec.
Contains all required information to export a dashboard.
Represents the available dashboard export types.
Operations on the add-on's dashboard.
Provides the entry point to operations applied on the dashboard.
Represents chart data.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by DataExchangeSpec.
Represents a Data Element Concept.
Provides the methods to execute {addon.label} configuration import and export.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by ConfigurationSpec.
This class defines a {addon.label} exception.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by DataExchangeService.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by ExportConfigurationSpec.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by DataExchangeResult.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by DataExchangeSpec.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by DataExchangeResult.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by DataExchangeSpec.
Represents a {addon.label} specification for the export table which stores the (DataExchangeSpec) {addon.label} specification and the optional records, or optional predicate of each table.
Provides the methods to build the {addon.label} specification for the export table by using ApplicationMappingHelper APIs to automatically generate an application mapping.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by ServiceType.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by DataExchangeSpec.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by DataExchangeServiceFactory.
Provides the methods to transform old specifications to new specifications.
Provides the context to get the DataExchangeSpec from the configuration declared in the {addon.label} dataset.
Creates instances of DataExchangeHelper.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by DataExchangeService.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by ImportMode.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by DataExchangeResult.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by DataExchangeSpec.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by DataExchangeSpec.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by ServiceType.
Stores data results when executing data import, export and transfer.
Stores data results when executing the CSV export.
Stores data results when executing CSV import.
Stores data results when executing Excel export.
Stores data results when executing Excel import.
Stores data results when executing SQL export.
Stores data results when executing SQL import.
Stores data results when executing a data transfer.
Stores data results when executing XML export.
Stores data results when executing XML import.
Provides a method for executing data import, export and transfer.
Provides the necessary context for integrating {addon.label} services.
Creates instances of DataExchangeServiceContext.
Creates instances of DataExchangeService.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by ServiceType.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by DataExchangeSpec.
Represents a {addon.label} specification which stores the (ConfigurationSpec) configuration specification and the (ApplicationMapping) mapping specification.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by DataExchangeService.
No replacement.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by DataExchangeSpec.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by ServiceType.
Defines the formatting of an Excel file's data cell.
Global options for formatting and parsing various data types.
Represents an error with user-friendly message happened during a data integration task.
Contains all results of a data integration execution.
Executes a data integration task.
Global specification for a data integration task.
Defines a Dynamic data modeling exception.
Stores the data result when generating an XML Schema Document (XSD) file.
Defines the sources to generate data models.
Represents a data model specification, which contains the configurations used for generating an XML Schema Document (XSD) file.
Specifies a data cell's position in an Excel file.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by Result.
Represents a field node at the dataset level (should be distinguished from TableField).
Represents a group node at the dataset level (should be distinguished from TableGroup).
Represents the result of a search.
Defines a data cell's template in an Excel file.
Data type definition for a Field, and the InputDefinition and OutputDefinition of a TransformationDefinition.
Encapsulates the common data types that are supported for ParameterDefinition.
It is used for parsing or formatting the value of parameters.
Defines the range between two dates.
Represents a transformation definition for converting from date time to string.
Represents a transformation definition for converting from date to string.
Represents a date outcome of IndicatorReport.
Represents the character used to denote a decimal.
Represents a transformation definition for converting from decimal to String.
This abstract class must be extended to define the behavior of an indicator running on a Data Element Concept.
Execution context for a Data Element Concept.
The on-demand context for a data element concept.
The on-probe context for a data element concept.
The execution environment for a Data Element Concept.
Represents the information of a decision field that belongs to a decision tree node.
Represents the information contained in a decision node.
Represents the functions used to define nodes in a decision tree.
An enumeration class for Data Element Concept sub types.
An enumeration class for Data Element Concept types.
Default data types provided by the add-on.
Provides default implementations for optional properties of an IndicatorDefinition, and allows users to define the behavior of a DECIndicator.
Provides default implementations for optional properties of an IndicatorDefinition, and offers the ability to define the behavior of a WorkflowIndicator.
Represents a data structure.
Represents a diagram node.
Defines the digital asset.
Defines the digital asset component context.
Provides methods for using Digital Asset Component services.
Defines the digital asset's key.
Defines the specification of the new digital asset to upload.
Defines the permission to see and modify a resource.
Defines the version of the digital asset.
Defines the key of the digital asset version.
Defines the specification of the new digital asset version to upload.
Defines a filter that depends on the currently evaluated link.
Provides configuration options for displaying a graph.
Represents the chart's display options.
Exception class for the {addon.label.full}.
Represents an error with a user-friendly message when performing operations in the Insight (new) add-on.
Thrown during execution of an Indicator.
The factory for all {addon.label}'s service instances.
A trigger to declare on any tables under the control of OnProbe indicators.
If the table has any existing triggers, a call to IndicatorController.executeOnProbe(DECIndicatorExecutionContextOnProbe) must be made.
Specifies the media field's drive context.
Defines a factory to register and retrieve implementations.
Define a provider to retrieve DriveFactory implementations.
Defines the drive information.
Defines a DriveManager to perform operations on digital assets.
Defines the drive type.
Specifies the configuration used for an EBX® field.
Field in an EBXTable.
Specifies the configuration used for an EBX® reference field.
Specifies the primary key of an EBX® record.
Represents the EBX source table in a TableMapping.
Specification for an EBXSourceTable.
Builder for creating an instance of EBXSourceTableSpec.
Specifies the configuration used for an EBX® table.
Table structure (an AdaptationTable) in an EBX data source.
Extends the TableHelper to generate EBXTable.
Extends the TableHelper to get the EBXTable declared in the {addon.label} dataset.
Specifies the configuration used to get the EBXTable declared in the {addon.label} dataset.
Specification for EBXSourceTableSpec and EBXTargetTableSpec..
Represents the EBX target table in a TableMapping.
Specification for an EBXTargetTable.
Builder for creating an instance of EBXTargetTableSpec.
Represents a transaction when importing data into EBX.
Template specification for transfer data from a EBX table to another EBX table.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by ValidatorContext.
Strategy to write into EBX.
Provides a method to create an instance of UIHttpManagerComponent in order to call the EBX® user interface to display the 'Edit digital asset' service.
Defines the features of the 'Edit digital asset' service.
Defines the digital asset filter in the digital asset Editor.
Defines the editor filter context.
Provides the list of parameters available when declaring an email template.
Represents the evaluation of the matching results between two compared records.
Template specification for Excel export.
Field in an ExcelTable.
Template specification for Excel import.
Represents the Excel source table in a TableMapping.
Specification for an ExcelSourceTable.
Builder for creating an ExcelSourceTableSpec instance.
Table structure (a sheet) in an Excel data source.
Represents the Excel target table in a TableMapping.
Specification for an ExcelTargetTable.
Builder for creating an ExcelTargetTableSpec instance.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by ValidatorContext.
Context for function execution.
Context for execution of a function at the dataset level.
Context for execution of a function at the dataspace level.
Context for execution of a function at the field level.
Context for execution of a function at the table level.
Context for execution of a function at the workflow level.
Defines the configuration used for data export.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by ExportConfigurationSpec.
Defines the configuration used to export the {addon.label} configuration to an XML file.
Stores the results when exporting data from one table.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by TableFilter.
Provides the transformation context when exporting data.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by ServiceType.
Defines a common request for external asset management.
Defines a digital asset located in an externally managed location.
Defines an digital asset version for an asset located in an externally managed location.
Provides methods to perform operations on digital assets located in an externally managed system.
Lists ExternalManager to register.
Defines attributes for ExternalManager implementations.
Defines a request with multiple external IDs.
Defines a search result response for a Drive that accesses an externally managed location.
Defines a search request for a Drive that accesses an externally managed storage location.
Defines a request with an external ID.
Defines the response tag result for a Drive that accesses an externally managed storage location.
Defines a request for uploading an asset to an externally managed storage location.
Returns the configuration for a field.
Field in a Table.
Represents a field node.
Defines possible field attributes.
Data Element Concept sub-type for field type.
Declares the types of fields an Indicator works on.
Also see SchemaTypeName (EBX® API).
Provides field mapping methods.
Provides a list of mapping field classes to register.
Provides the context of FieldMapper.
Defines attributes for FieldMapper implementations.
FieldMapping<SC extends Field,TC extends Field>
Specifies the configuration used when mapping between source and target fields.
FieldMappingList<SC extends Field,TC extends Field>
Specifies the configuration used for a list of field mappings.
FieldMatcher<SF extends Field,TF extends Field>
Strategy to match source fields with target fields when mapping fields.
Provides a context to handle the creation of a golden record based on the field value of other records.
Represents a function that allows you to define a merge field value based on a given field context.
Defines the configuration used for exporting data to a file.
Specifies the configuration used when importing data from a file.
Defines the File Resource.
Gets the data required for a filter.
Describes user actions.
Retrieves specific data in the Flat data table or the Big data table from IndicatorExecutionContext.
Contains definitions of the fields in the Flat data report table - Insight - Reporting data set.
Defines a value set in either the Big data table or the Flat data table.
Defines the Folder.
Defines the key of the folder.
Defines the specs to create Folder.
Defines the possible font styles.
Represents the policy to format and parse various data types.
An enumeration class for frequency types.
A function declaration.
Builder of FunctionDefinition instances.
Builder of FunctionDefinition instances at the dataset level.
Builder of FunctionDefinition instances at the dataspace level.
Builder of FunctionDefinition instances at the field level.
Builder of FunctionDefinition instances at the table level.
Builder of FunctionDefinition instances at both the table and the field levels.
Builder of FunctionDefinition instances at the workflow level.
Registers instances of FunctionDefinition.
Execution of a function.
Execution of a function at the dataset level.
Execution of a function at the dataspace level.
Execution of a function at the field level.
Execution of a function at the table level.
Execution of a function at the dataspace level.
Contains one or many sets of FunctionValues organized as ValueSequences.
Validation of a function.
Validation of a function at the dataset level.
Validation of a function at the dataspace level.
Validation of a function at the field level.
Validation of a function at the table level.
Validation of a function at the workflow level.
Contains the value of an OutputDefinition when a function is executed.
Defines the specification of the new digital asset.
Defines the specification of the new digital asset version.
Represents the value structure of a generic input or output of a transformation.
Describes features of data value graphs.
Provides the method to get a UIHttpManagerComponent web component for graph data.
Supplies data value and relationship graph specification information.
Provides a widget to display a graph view on tab of a record.
Provides a widget factory to create graph view on tab of a record.
Provides a widget to display a graph view without configuration on tab of a record.
Provides a widget factory to create a graph view without configuration on tab of a record.
Provides additional information for a ParameterDefinition, which is used for chart generation.
Generates the web component that contains the graph model.
Provides all specifications of a graph model.
Represents a template configuration.
Abstract class for graph specifications.
Represents a collection of records within an EBX table that were grouped during a matching operation.
Provides group operations for the EBX� Match and Merge Add-on.
Operations used to handle search history.
Factory for history operations available to the {addon.label}.
An enumeration class for UI component types such as dropdown box, check box, radio button, text box and date-picker.
The mode determines how the image is resized to fit the desired dimensions.
Defines the custom size and mode when resize image
Specifies the configuration used for data import.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by ImportConfigurationSpec.
Defines the configuration used to import the {addon.label} configuration from an XML file.
Allows you to overwrite the dataset configured in an import or export template.
Specifies the configuration used for importing data to a file.
Stores data results when importing data into a table.
Specifies the scope when importing add-on configuration data from an XML file.
Provides the transformation context when importing data.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by ServiceType.
This abstract class must be extended to define the behavior of an indicator.
Offers accessors to the configuration.
The entry point for indicator execution.
The factory class of IndicatorController.
Defines an indicator.
Guides and inputs the indicator declaration in the user interface.
Provides a catalog to register indicators.
Represents the configuration of an IndicatorDefinition.
An indicator execution.
The execution context of the indicator.
Execution environment of the indicator.
Output result of an indicator execution.
Provides indicator execution operations for the EBX™ Insight Add-on.
The Java Bean container an Indicator's outcomes.
Retrieves specific data in the Indicator report table and the Indicator value table from IndicatorExecutionContext.
The definitions of the fields in the Indicator report table - Insight - Reporting data set.
Global execution result of all indicators.
Defines the storage of results.
The factory class of IndicatorStorage.
Defines an atomic outcome of IndicatorReport.
The definitions of the fields in the Indicator value table - Insight - Reporting data set.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by InputDefinition.
Defines the input data for a Transformation class.
The definition of a transformation's input.
Specifies the input definition of a function.
Represents a transformation function to aggregate integers.
Represents a transformation definition for converting from integer to string.
Represents an integer outcome of IndicatorReport.
Represents popular interval formats.
Represents an interval outcome of indicator execution.
Defines the JNDI configuration for executing Import and Export of SQL without requiring global configuration in the application server.
Represents the legend's position.
Represents a collections of points.
It is used inside an axis, as part of the line chart and bar chart data.
The options for a line chart.
Represents the characters used to signify the end of a CSV line.
Gets required link data.
Gets link configuration data.
The relevant records that affect an indicator result.
Declares the rule that defines what kind of records affecting an indicator result.
Retrieves the rule that defines what kinds of records affecting an indicator result.
Gets the data required for a renderer.
Defines a label renderer that depends on the currently evaluated link.
Describes type of the link.
Describes shape of the link.
Gets step data.
Gets the data configuration of a path.
Provides configurations for link style.
Provides configurations for link style.
Gets the data required for a link style factory.
Defines a style factory that depends on the currently evaluated link.
Describes the type of link in the configuration.
Definition of a constraint for a multiple occurred parameter or enumeration.
Global mapping specification.
MappingStep<SF extends Field,TF extends Field>
Steps to construct a mapping from source to target within a TableMapping.
Allows the selection of an exact MappingStep in a TableMapping.
Builds a complex MappingStepSelector by traversing mapping steps in a TableMapping.
Defines possible mapping types.
Represents the element's relative position in relation to another element.
Provides a way to register custom function for field or record
Provides a comparator to compare 2 records.
Provides matching operations for the EBXâ„¢ Match and Merge Add-on.
Represents the information of a matching process execution.
Contains methods related to MediaContent.
Defines a java bean for the 'Media Type' field.
Defines field values for a golden record.
Declares a custom merge function.
Provides merging operations for the EBX� Match and Merge Add-on.
Provides merge process information.
Represents the information related to merge process execution.
Defines the digital asset's metadata.
Retrieves data from the add-on's metadata dataset.
Represents mapping steps that can have more than one output value.
Gets a node's data.
Gets data related to a node.
Defines a data table that displays data in a tabular form.
Represents a node element.
Defines the type of elements that can be used in a node.
Represents a button used to expand or collapse an element.
Represents an image element.
Represents an image for indicator.
Gets the data required for the label renderer.
Defines a label renderer that depends on the currently evaluated node.
Defines an element that holds other elements.
Represents a node template that is a composition of elements and properties.
Gets the data required for the node value renderer.
Generates a custom node template.
Represents a text block that displays a text string in a given font size.
Defines a value for a node element.
Defines the result of an operation's execution.
Provides static methods for the EBX Insight (New) Add-on services such as indicator execution
Provides static methods for EBX Match and Merge Add-on services such as matching operations merging operations changing state group operations configuration operations purging metadata reader operations
Represents a chart's options.
Ordering options available to assign
Since 2.3.0, replaced by OutputDefinition.
Defines the output data for a Transformation class.
The definition of a transformation's output.
Specifies the output definition of a function.
Describes the display options of the graph Overview box.
Possible panel layouts.
The definition of a constraint for the value of a parameter.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by ParameterDefinition.
Defines the parameter for a Transformation class.
The definition of a transformation's parameter.
The definition of an Indicator input or output parameter.
Represents a parameter and its value.
Represents a percentage outcome of indicator execution.
Represents period types supported by the add-on.
Represents the data for a pie chart.
The class for pie chart options.
To define a value with a string label or a localized label.
Represents the result of the pre-processing phase.
Provides a context to handle the creation of a new primary key for auto-created golden records.
Represents a function that builds a primary key field during a merge operation.
Declares a custom merge function for primary key fields.
An enumeration class for probe types.
Retrieves information about TIBCO EBX Match and Merge Add-on processes.
Enumerates date options.
Represents the result of a service execution.
Defines the input of the Purge indicator service.
Enumerates storage options.
Represents the result of a service execution.
Represents the result of a service execution.
Represents the information of a Purging old Matching result data process execution.
Provides a way to define query parameters for executing an indicator.
Record<F extends Field>
Specifies the configuration for a record.
Gets data contained in the current record.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Specifies primary key of a record.
Represents the result of a search.
Describes the relationship type of a link in a configuration.
Defines the specifications of an asset from a 3rd party digital asset management system.
Defines the GeneralDigitalAssetVersionSpec from a 3rd party asset management system.
Declares associations between output parameters and reporting fields in the Flat data report table or the Big data report table of Insight - Reporting data sets.
Offers accessors to the reporting.
Represents the search result for a search performed in the scope of a repository.
Provide methods for custom size asset such as image or video
Defines the resource.
Defines the resource identifier.
Defines a factory for parsing ResourceIdentifier objects.
Defines the restore detail.
Defines the restore service.
Defines the restore service specifications.
Defines data results when executing data import, export, transfer from the source table to the target table.
Defines a list of Result.
Unique path for a Field or a Table.
Identifies a named type definition that extends EBX® and is supported by the add-on.
Defines the options to search for a digital asset
Define criteria to match for the advanced search mode.
This enumeration define list of available searching features
Defines the search filter.
Represents the history of a search operation.
Operations used to search.
Factory for Operations available to the {addon.label}.
Defines the possible separator characters.
Defines a service.
Purge indicator service.
Represents the result of a service execution.
Defines the settings for a service execution.
Defines the possible service types.
Defines all the services that are available in the API.
Possible node shapes.
Represents the common options for axis charts.
Notably line charts, bar charts and category bar charts.
Represents mapping steps that have only one output.
Defines the dimensions of the digital asset, if it is image.
Represents the size of a two dimensional rectangle.
Defines the options to sort digital assets and folders.
Defines sort criteria that determines whether digital assets will be sorted in ascending or descending order.
Mapping step for a source Field.
Specifies the configuration to create a data model source from a file.
Specifies the configurations to create a data model source from an instance of a PrimaryKey that identifies a record of the Data model table in the Dynamic data modeling dataset.
Provides the methods to get a SourcePrimaryKey.
SourceTable<T extends Table<F>,F extends Field>
Represents a source table in a TableMapping.
The options for a line chart.
Represents a transformation function definition that splits the input string at the location of the defined separator and outputs an unbounded list of values.
Represents a transformation function of TransformationCategory.SPLIT.
Mapping step for a SplitTransformationDefinition.
Provides the methods to get an ApplicationMapping instance for spreadsheet export.
Specifies the configuration used to export data to an Excel file.
Provides the context to get the DataExchangeSpec for exporting Excel from the configuration declared in the {addon.label} dataset.
Specifies a spreadsheet template configuration for exporting data to an Excel file.
Specifies the configuration used for a spreadsheet field.
Defines the possible Excel file formats.
Provides the methods to get an ApplicationMapping instance for spreadsheet import.
Defines the configuration used when importing data from an Excel file.
Provides the context to get the DataExchangeSpec for importing Excel from the configuration declared in the {addon.label} dataset.
Defines the configuration used for a spreadsheet table.
Extends the TableGeneration to generate a SpreadsheetTable.
Extends the TableHelper to get the SpreadsheetTable declared in the {addon.label} dataset.
Specifies the configuration used to get the SpreadsheetTable declared in the {addon.label} dataset.
Provides a cell data template for an Excel file.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by SQLField.
Defines the possible SQL data types.
Provides the methods to get an ApplicationMapping for SQL export.
Defines the configuration used to export data to an external database.
Template specification for SQL export.
Specifies the configuration used for an SQL field in an external database.
Field in an SQLTable.
Provides the methods to get an ApplicationMapping instance for SQL import.
Defines the configuration used for importing data from an external database.
Template specification for SQL import.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by FieldMapper.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by FieldMapperCatalog.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by FieldMapperContext.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by FieldMapperDefinition.
Defines all internal SQLMappingColumnDefinition implementations that are available in {addon.label}.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by FieldMapping.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by FieldMappingList.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by TableMapping.
Represents the SQL source table in a TableMapping.
Specification for an SQLSourceTable.
Defines the configuration for a table in an external database.
Table structure in an SQL data source
Provides the methods to generate an SQLTable instance.
Extends the TableHelper to get the SQLTable declared in the {addon.label} dataset.
Specifies the configuration used to get the SQLTable declared in the {addon.label} dataset.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by SQLTable.
Specification for SQLSourceTableSpec and SQLTargetTableSpec.
Represents the SQL target table in a TableMapping.
Specification for an SQLTargetTable.
Defines the strategy to write into a table in a database.
the state of the record after the last match or a merge operation.
Defines the StorageManager to perform actions on physical files based on the drive type.
Represents a transformation function to concatenate strings.
Represents a transformation definition for splits the input string at the location of the defined separator.
Represents a transformation definition for converting from string to boolean.
Represents a transformation definition for converting from string to date.
Represents a transformation definition for converting from string to date time.
Represents a transformation definition for converting from string to time.
Represents a transformation definition for converting from string to URI.
Represents a transformation definition for string upper case.
Represents a string outcome of IndicatorReport.
Specifies the configuration used for the subtitle template in an exported file.
Provides configurations for graph synchronization style.
Table<C extends Field>
Provides a list of a table's fields.
Table<F extends Field>
Represents a table in a data source.
Represents a table node.
Represents an EBX table which is registered with the EBX™ Match and Merge Add-on.
Represents a field node at table level (should be differentiated from DatasetField).
Specifies a configuration used to filter tables.
TableGeneration<F extends Field,T extends Table<F>>
Provides the methods to generate a TableGenerationResult instance.
Creates instances of TableGeneration.
TableGenerationResult<C extends Field,T extends Table<C>>
Defines table generation results.
Represents a group node at the table level (should be differentiated from DatasetGroup).
TableHelper<F extends Field,T extends Table<F>,S extends TableHelperSpec>
Provides the methods to get the Table declared in the {addon.label} dataset.
Creates instances of TableHelper.
Provides the methods to get the Table declared in the {addon.label} dataset.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by TableMapping.
TableMapping<SC extends Field,TC extends Field>
Specifies the configuration used to map between source and target tables.
TableMapping<SF extends Field,TF extends Field>
Mapping between a SourceTable and a TargetTable.
TableMappingList<SC extends Field,TC extends Field>
Specifies the configuration for a list of table mappings.
Context to modify an existing TableMapping.
TableMappingModifier<ST extends SourceTable<?,?>,TT extends TargetTable<?,?>>
Allows modification of an existing TableMapping.
Result for a TableMapping after performing a data integration execution.
TableMappingSelector<ST extends SourceTable<?,?>,TT extends TargetTable<?,?>>
Selects an exact TableMapping in a MappingSpec.
A matching policy defines a set of parameters that the add-on uses to determine the relationship status between each record.
Represents the search result for a table.
Provides configurations for table style.
Defines the tag bean.
Mapping step for a target Field.
TargetTable<T extends Table<F>,F extends Field>
Represents a target table in a TableMapping.
Represents a template.
TemplateConfig<ST extends SourceTable<?,?>,TT extends TargetTable<?,?>>
Configures a user template.
TemplateSpec<ST extends SourceTable<?,?>,TT extends TargetTable<?,?>>
Abstract specification for a user template.
Possible text alignment settings.
Represents a transformation definition for converting from time to string.
Specifies the configuration used for the title template in the exported file, such as title's starting position and text style.
Provides configuration options for tooltip style.
Provides the methods to get an ApplicationMapping instance for data transfer.
Specifies the configuration used for data transfer.
Stores data results when transferring data into a table.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by TransferTransformationExecutionContext.
Provides the context for a transformation when transferring data in EBX®.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by Transformation.
Provides transformation methods.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by TransformationCatalog.
Lists transformations to register.
Categories of transformations.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by TransformationConfigurationContext.
Provides configuration attributes for the Transformation implementation that executes during import, export, or transfer.
Allows to access the configuration of a transformation.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by TransformationDefinition.
Defines attributes for Transformation implementations.
Definition of a transformation.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by TransformationExecutionContext.
Provides the transformation context.
Accesses the data to be transformed.
Transforms data based on TransformationDefinition.
Mapping step for a TransformationDefinition.
Registers TransformationDefinitions to be displayed in the mapping screen.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by TransformationExecutionContext.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by TransformationExecutionContext.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by Transformation.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by TransformationCatalog.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by TransformationDefinition.
Represents the trusted sources that have been configured for the matching table.
Context for validation of a function at the dataset level.
Context for validation of a function at the dataspace level.
Context for validation of a function at the field level.
Context for validation of a function at the table level.
Context for validation of a function at the workflow level.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by Validator.
Provides Validator methods.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by ValidatorCatalog.
Lists Validators to register.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by ValidatorContext.
Provides the validation context.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by ValidatorDefinition.
Defines attributes for Validator implementation.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by ValidatorStatus.
Defines attributes for validation status.
Defines a set of OutputDefinition values when executing a function.
Represents the configured Watchdog for the Indicator.
The definition of a watchdog for an Indicator.
Represents a sub-type for the workflow Data Element Concept type.
This abstract class must be extended to define the behavior of an indicator run on a workflow.
The on-demand context for a workflow.
The execution environment for a workflow.
Provides the methods to get an ApplicationMapping instance for XML export.
Specifies the configuration used when exporting data to an XML file.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by ExportTransformationExecutionContext.
Specifies the configuration used for an XML field.
Provides the methods to get an ApplicationMapping instance for XML import.
Specifies the configuration used to import data from an XML file.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by ImportTransformationExecutionContext.
Defines the configuration used for an XML table.
Extends the TableHelper to generate an XMLTable instance.
Extends the TableHelper to get the XMLTable declared in the {addon.label} dataset.
Specifies the configuration used to get the XMLTable declared in the {addon.label} dataset.
Since 2.3.0, replaced by ValidatorContext.
Provides a method for generating an XML Schema Document (XSD) file.
Creates instances of XSDGenerator.