Example of CFAlias Configuration
The following example shows how to use the CFAlias feature to send a daily report to the specified directory, limits the user's access to the actual file name, and keep a record of the reports sent on a UNIX file server using MFT Platform Server on a Windows machine.
Under this configuration, JohnDoe sends his daily report every day exactly the same way. Each time he sends his report to the server, the report is put in the c:\JohnDoe\DailyReports\report.%GDATE.doc file; therefore, each day the report has a different file name based on the current date. For example, if the date is July 18th, it is stored as the report.030718.doc file. Further, JohnDoe has no knowledge of where on the server his report is stored. Also, JohnDoe's aliased access only applies to a send of his report (because RECEIVE on the Responder is a SEND from the initiator). Finally, the second Alias grouping restricts JohnDoe from having any other access to the server with any file that is not report.doc.
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