Rules for Use
When you create a file name that uses File Name Tokens, you must abide by the following rules:
- Substitution parameters are enclosed in $(…). A dollar sign ($) followed by an open parenthesis is followed by a token and a close parenthesis.
- Each $(…) contains only one token.
- Any text in a remote file name that is not a substitution parameter is kept as is into the generated name.
- Codes can appear anywhere within a remote file name, such as the file name, directory name, share name, or server name.
- There can be any number of substitution parameters embedded within a file name.
- If the length of a resolved remote file name is greater than the maximum file name length allowed by MFT Platform Server for Windows (255 characters), the remote file name is truncated.
- If the transfer type is initiator send, the remote file name resolves to the destination file for the transfer.
- If the transfer type is initiator receive, the remote file name resolves to the source file for the transfer.
- The capitalization of substitution parameters effects the capitalization of the output. See File Name Tokens List for details.
- If a formatted name containing an invalid substitution code is given, the transfer fails with an error stating that a substitution code is bad.
- The feature is designed to work with DOS 8.3 and Win32 Long File Names. It is up to the user to ensure that the generated name is valid for the target system. Be careful when using a forward slash (/), back slash (\), or colon (:) to delimit dates and times as these are contain special meaning to the operating system.
- For remote systems which support long file names, embedded spaces are valid for a generated file name. However, MFT Platform Server for z/OS currently does not support embedded spaces in remote file names.
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