Java Extension

TIBCO OPE can be customized to support the functionality that can be integrated by using the Java extension.

All TIBCO OPE web services can be extended using custom configurations in the specified hooks while requests execution. All the web service requests are executed sequentially in the phases and the custom hooks are provided for each phase.

Following are the phases and the hooks provided for every phase:
Phase Hook in ope_config file
Custom Validation customOfferValidationRule
Custom Filter Processing customOfferFilterRules
Custom Eligibility customEvaluateEligibilityRule
Custom Publishing customOfferResponseRule
Validate Offer
Phase Hook in ope_config file
Custom Validation customOfferValidationRule
Custom Publishing customOfferResponseRule
Phase Hook in ope_config file
Custom Filter Processing customOfferFilterRules (If the request contains query elements)
Custom Publishing customProdInfoResponseRule
Phase Hook in ope_config file
Custom Processing customPriceProcessingRule
Custom Publishing customPriceResponseRule
Phase Hook in ope_config file
Custom Processing priceCustomInfoProcessingRule
Custom Publishing customPriceResponseRule


For all the files used for the implementation of this Java extension, you need to refer the Java API References .

To extend the execution of TIBCO OPE web service requests during different phases, add the java-based custom classes as described in the following steps:


  1. To implement the custom logic by extending the interfaces, create a java project such as, and complete the following steps:
    1. Copy the opeClient-5.0.0-RELEASE.jar file from the $OPE_HOME/lib/opeClient-5.0.0-RELEASE.jar , add as dependency for the java project. The opeClient-5.0.0-RELEASE.jar file contains all the interfaces required to extend the engine execution rules.
    2. To add the rule actions, extend abstract class "com.tibco.fos.opes.server.ope.extension.AbstractExtensionRuleAction".
    3. To add the rule conditions, extend abstract class "com.tibco.fos.opes.server.ope.extension.AbstractExtensionRuleCondition".
  2. Create a JAR file of the project and copy it in the {OPE_HOME}/docker/ope/lib directory.
  3. In consul, add key value as:,a1::com.tibco.fom.ope.ext.GetPricesResponseAction
  4. Navigate to the {OPE_HOME}/docker/ope/lib/config directory, and configure the custom class in the ope_config.xml rule sequence configuration file.
    For example, to configure custom classes for validation, add them under following events:
    1. Add the action class under "action" element.
    2. Add the condition class under "condition" element.
    Ensure that the beanName is the classID configured in Consul and all the other details remain the same.
    Note: The <sequencedRule> indicates an element where all the actions are executed sequentially. One condition can have multiple actions inside a <sequencedRule> element. Multiple <sequenceRule> elements are used to separate conditions and their corresponding actions.
    Example for "customOfferValidation":
    <!-- Custom Validation Class goes here -->
    		<sequencedECARuleSet ruleSetName="customOfferValidationRule" runOnFailure="false" runOnError="false">
            	<event eventName="customOfferValidation" type="event">
        			<action actionType="bean">
            			<actionBean beanId="customActionClassId" methodName="execute" interface="com.tibco.aff.eca.base.Action"/>
    				<condition conditionType="bean">
    					<conditionBean beanId="customConditionClassId" methodName="evaluate" interface="com.tibco.aff.eca.base.Condition"/>
    Example for "customEvaluateEligibility":
    <!-- Custom Validation Class goes here -->
        	<sequencedECARuleSet ruleSetName="customEvaluateEligibilityRule" runOnFailure="false" runOnError="false">
            	<event eventName="customEvaluateEligibility" type="event">
                	<condition conditionType="bean">
                    	<conditionBean beanId="getOfferOnlyCondition" methodName="evaluate" interface="com.tibco.aff.eca.base.Condition"/>
                	<action actionType="bean">
                    	<actionBean beanId="getOfferOnly" methodName="execute" interface="com.tibco.aff.eca.base.Action"/>
    Note: All the web services are supported for the Java customization.