The tenants section of the Consul key-value store adds all tenant-specific configuration for the product.
The typical format of a notification key is:
For example:
The following table lists the keys that are required for any TIBCO OPE deployment:
Note: Any key required only by a specific tenant has to be added under the section for that tenant.
For example, if the
key is required only by tenant
t1, the key has to be added in the following manner:
kv/config/application/tenants/t1/com.tibco.af.ope.flags.udfignorelistThe key applies to all tenants if it is under the default tenant.
In case the specific key for "default" tenant is needed to be applicable ONLY for the "default" tenant then the customer has to create a separate tenant with the name other than "default" and add the tenant-specific configuration for it.
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