
The tenants section of the Consul key-value store adds all tenant-specific configuration for the product.

The typical format of a notification key is:


For example:


The following table lists the keys that are required for any TIBCO OPE deployment:

Key Description Value
jwtexpiration The JWT expiration time, in milliseconds. Positive values only.

Default value: 86400

Maximum value: 9,223,372,036,854,775,807

miniourl The URL for MinIO.

For example: http://localhost:9000

elasticsearchUrl The URL for ElasticSearch.

For example: http://localhost:9200


The list of all tenants.

If there is only one tenant, the value is default.

For example,

For a single tenant: default

For multiple tenants: default, t1, t2

minioAccesskey The Access key for the MinIO server.
minioSecretKey The Secret key for the MinIO server.
modelPollerThreadCount The thread count for the model processing.

Assuming that the Model Load Engine micro service has enough RAM to process models, the recommendation is to use 100 threads for each MinIO cluster node.

For example, if MinIO runs as a three node cluster, this count should be 300.

Maximum value allowed: 1000

The following fields are required if using the corresponding TIBCO OPE features.
emsUrl EMS Url endpoint URL. This key is required if online model loading functionality is required with "Message Adapter" microservice
elasticsearchUrl Elastic Search endpoint URL. This key is required if Elastic Search is enabled for "Search and Browse" OPE functionality
com.tibco.af.ope.flags.udfignorelist Any other OPE specific functional keys. For example, a key to add "ignore UDF" list
Note: Any key required only by a specific tenant has to be added under the section for that tenant.
For example, if the com.tibco.af.ope.flags.udfignorelist key is required only by tenant t1, the key has to be added in the following manner:
The key applies to all tenants if it is under the default tenant.

In case the specific key for "default" tenant is needed to be applicable ONLY for the "default" tenant then the customer has to create a separate tenant with the name other than "default" and add the tenant-specific configuration for it.