Authentication and Authorization

In TIBCO OPE, the process of authentication and authorization is run as a separate micro service called Auth Center.

The Auth Center generates the OAuth2 JSON Web Token (JWT). This token is verified by the OPE Gateway micro service for all subsequent calls.

The following image shows the communication between client calls, the Model Loading Engine, and the Offer Search Engine.

At the start of communication, a client call initiates a login call via the OPE Gateway. This login call is forwarded to the Auth Center. The login call includes the username, password, and tenant information.

The Authentication and Authorization Service validates the information, generates the JWT, and return the token to the client.

This JWT is used for all communication with the Offer Search Engine and Model Loading Engine.

Note: The authentication and authorization service is a pluggable component. You may choose open communication without authentication by not deploying the corresponding micro services.