Data Validations
Data validations does all the data and UDF validations on the offer request and order request and validates or invalidates the offer.
If the data is not validated within the request or input and active UDFs fail to their corresponding, length, datatype, rangeValue or regularexpression, the product model gives an error message.
Property Name | Validation Flag | Description |
CheckRelevantOLUDFs | | Validates UDFs attached to the product that are defined as input characteristics of the product. This functionality can be switched on using the configuration. |
CheckValidOLUDFs | | Validates mandatory characteristics attached to the product model that are found in the corresponding product instance as UDFs in the request. This functionality can be switched on using the configuration. |
CheckValidLinkUDFs | | Validates mandatory linking UDFs that are attached as UDFs to the product in the order request. This functionality can be switched on using the configuration. |
ValidateOrderLineUDFsDatatype | |
Validates the UDFs datatype. The datatype can be configured in the product model. The following are valid values: Currency, Digits, Date, Time, and Boolean |
ValidateOrderLineUDFRange | | Validates that the orderline UDFs are within the range specified in the corresponding product model. This functionality can be switched on using the configuration. |
ValidateOrderLineUDFRegex | | Validates that the orderline UDFs have the values per the regex. This functionality can be switched on using the configuration. |
ValidateProdDate | | Validates the products' start and end date. This functionality can be switched on using the configuration. |
With the
ValidateProdDate flag, the dates required to be set should have the characteristic name as
"StartDate/EndDate". The characteristic names are case sensitive. The dates should be
xsd:datetime format and the
valuetype as
"Input". The following is an example:
<characteristics> <name>EndDate</name> <description>Characteristic</description> <instanceMin>0</instanceMin> <instanceMax>0</instanceMax> <evaluationPriority></evaluationPriority> <actionID></actionID> <value> <type>Input</type> <rangeValue></rangeValue> <discreteValue>2011-01-01T00:00:00</discreteValue> <mandatoryValue>true</mandatoryValue> </value> ... </characteristics>
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