
TIBCO OPE microservices are containerized and run on hosts that support the Docker environment. The Docker files are delivered as part of the You can build images using those Docker files and then run them as containers. You can see all the Docker files in respective container folders. You must have an Internet connection to download the base Docker image.

You will need to take care of the instructions under the comment "REQUIRED FILES TO BUILD THIS IMAGE" in each Docker file before building the Docker images.
Note: Some of the microservices are optional and you can choose not to run them in case they are not suitable for your use cases.
  • Authorization and Authentication - These microservices are optional and you can choose to not deploy these in case you do not need authorization or authentication for your deployment, or have a external tool managing this functionality.
  • Search - You can choose not to deploy/connect Elasticsearch with your OPES deployment in case you do not have any use cases regarding search and browse functionality.
  • Message Adapter - This microservice is needed only when you have incoming catalog documents directly published on EMS queues.

    Offline files can be copied under MinIO input bucket as an alternate option.

Building without Internet Connectivity

OPE containers are created in such a way that all environment-dependent information is configured outside of the container. This helps in moving the same Docker image built in a staging/testing environment to be copied directly to production for reuse. There are multiple advantages with this approach.
  • Since no Docker image is rebuilt in production, stricter production security policies, such as no direct internet access, do not have an impact.
  • The same Docker image that passed Quality and user acceptance testing is moved to production.

Building Images

Building Base Docker Image

First, create the base Docker image which will be used in all Docker images internally.
  1. Go to the opes/docker/base directory and check comments inside Docker file for additional files/jars required.

  2. As per the comment in the base Docker file, download and put jdk-11.0.4_linux-x64_bin.tar from OPE_HOME folder parallel to Docker file.

  3. Now, execute the following command from the same location ../opes/docker/base:
     $ docker build -t tibco/base:5.0 --rm=true .
  4. Execute the following command to check the images that are created:
     $ docker images

Building OPE Core Microservice
  1. Go to the ../opes/docker/ope directory. In case custom external libraries are needed for the engine as part of java customization, copy requires libs under lib directory.

  2. Execute the following command from the same location:
    ../opes/docker/ope	$ docker build -t tibco/ope:5.0 --rm=true .
  3. Execute the following command to check the images that are created:
     $ docker images

Building MLE Microservice

  1. Go to the ../opes/docker/mle directory. No additional external libraries, etc., are needed to run this engine, so you can directly create this image.

  2. Execute the following command from the location ../opes/docker/mle:
     $ docker build -t tibco/mle:5.0 --rm=true .
  3. Execute the following command to check the images that are created:
     $ docker images

Building Auth-center Microservice

  1. Go to the ../opes/docker/authcenter directory and check comments inside the Docker file for additional files/jars required.

    As per the comment in the Docker file, there is no other file/jar required to build the Docker image.

  2. Execute the following command from the same location ../opes/docker/authcenter:
     $ docker build -t tibco/authcenter:5.0 --rm=true .
  3. Execute the following command to check the images that are created:
     $ docker images

Building OPE-gateway Microservice

  1. Go to the ../opes/docker/opegateway directory and check comments inside the Docker file for additional files/jars required.

    As per the comment in the Docker file, there is no other file/jar required to build the Docker image.

  2. Execute the following command from the same location ../opes/docker/opegateway:
     $ docker build -t tibco/opegateway:5.0 --rm=true .
  3. Execute the following command to check the images that are created:
     $ docker images

Building MsgAdapter Microservice

  1. Go to the ../opes/docker/msgadapter directory and check comments inside the Docker file for additional files/jars required.

    As per the comment in the Docker file, create a folder named lib parallel to the Docker file and put tibjms.jar and jms-2.0.jar from <EMS 8.4.1_HOME>/lib directory inside it.
    Note: tibcrypt.jar is not present in EMS 8.4.1.
  2. Execute the following command from the same location ../opes/docker/msgadapter:
     $ docker build --rm=true -t tibco/msgadapter:5.0 .
  3. Execute the following command to check the images that are created:
     $ docker images

Third-Party Services

TIBCO OPE depends on third-party components for configuration management, object storage and search indexes. The following third-party components are required to be up and running before proceeding with post-installation tasks:
  • Consul
  • Elasticsearch (optional)
  • MinIO