Offline Model Loading

Offline models are available as flat files containing the model data in the form of the schema compliant XML payload. These files must be generated first by invoking the catalog publish workflow in TIBCO Product and Services Catalog. It is a onetime activity unless the modeling is changed in TIBCO Product and Services Catalog.

Offline model loading is a preferred way to load models into TIBCO OPE. In this mode, the models are copied to one of the following supported storage systems:
  • Regular File System
  • Network Attach Storage
  • Cloud Object store

    For example, Azure Blob Store, Google Cloud Storage, AWS S3.

TIBCO OPE interacts with the storage systems using object storage server such as MinIO.

The Model Load Engine process runs the model processing poller periodically to check for new models. Available models are processed and written to the backend storage using the object storage server.

Once written to the object storage server, you can view the objects using the object browser. The following image shows a sample screen of the object browser: