Alternate Model Loading Process

Instead of loading models in production, you can copy specific tables to your production environment instead of loading models in real time.

Current Model Loading Process

  1. Create models in the TIBCO Product and Service Catalog in the integration test environment.
  2. Publish models to TIBCO OPE in the integration test environment.
  3. Perform end-to-end tests in the test environment.
  4. Publish the models in the production environment.
  5. Perform sanity tests in the production environment.
  6. Confirm that the models have been processed correctly.

Alternate Model Loading Process

  1. Create models in the TIBCO Product and Service Catalog in the integration test environment.
  2. Publish models to TIBCO OPE in the integration test environment.
  3. Perform end-to-end tests in the test environment.
  4. Copy the model xml files for those models from the integration test environment to the production environment.
  5. Update Consul to send model publish notifications to all OPE instances.

For more information, see Example for Alternate Model Loading Process.