Salesforce Get Session

The Salesforce Get Session activity retrieves an object reference for a specified Salesforce connection and gets an existing session. This session can be used within Salesforce activities to access a specified database.


On the General tab, you can establish a connection to the server.

The following table lists the configurations on the General tab of the Salesforce Get Session activity:

Field Module Property? Description
Name No The name displayed as the label of the activity in the process.
Salesforce Connection Yes The path to the Salesforce shared resource.

Click the Choose/Create Default Resource icon to select a usable connection for the activity.


On the Description tab, you can enter a short description for the Salesforce Get Session activity.


On the Input tab, you can specify input values for the Salesforce Get Session activity.

The following table lists the input elements on the Input tab of the Salesforce Get Session activity:

Input Item Data Type Description
salesforceConnection String Optional. The path to the shared resource which contains the Salesforce connection information.

The priority of this field is higher than the Salesforce Connection field on the General tab. If you want to change the referenced Salesforce Connection shared resource at run time, you can set it here.

refreshSession Boolean Optional. Specify whether a new session can be initiated.

Set the value to true if you always want to get a new session.

If the value is set to false, the new session is not used unless the existing session has timed out. The performance time in this situation is shorter.


On the Output tab, you can find the output value.

The following table lists the output elements on the Output tab of the Salesforce Get Session activity:

Output Item Data Type Description
salesforceConnection String The path to the shared resource which contains the Salesforce connection information.

The Salesforce Get Session activity uses this Salesforce Connection shared resource at run time.

result Each result includes the following elements:
  • metadataServerUrl (A string value): the web address of the endpoint which processes subsequent metadata API calls.
  • passwordExpired (A Boolean value): indicates whether the password used during the login attempt has expired (true) or not (false).
  • sandbox (A Boolean value): specifies whether the using Salesforce environment is a sandbox or not.
  • serverUrl (A string value): the web address of the endpoint which processes subsequent API calls.
  • sessionId (A string value): the unique ID associated with this session.
  • userId (A string value): the ID of the user associated with the specified user name and password.
  • userInfo (A complex value): information fields related to the user.


On the Fault tab, you can find the error code and error message of the Salesforce Get Session activity. See Error Codes for more information about error codes and corrective actions to take.

Fault Thrown when
SalesforceLoginException An error occurred when logging in to the server.
SalesforceConnectionNotFoundException An error occurred when the external session ID is not used or the Salesforce connection is not configured correctly.