IDoc Converter

Use the IDoc Converter activity to convert a raw IDoc received by the IDoc Listener activity from the SAP system.

  • To use the raw IDoc from the IDoc Listener activity as input, in the Doc Listener activity on the General Tab select the NoMessaging option in the Messaging Source field.
  • When the IDoc is fetched from the IDoc Converter activity, the XPath expression on the transition is set and condition type changes to Success with Condition automatically based on the IDOCTYP and CIMTYP fields from the SAPIDOC element provided on output from the IDoc Listener activity. However, additional fields can be added as needed.
  • To ensure the XPath expression is generated successfully, you need to specify the idocListenerStatusListNOMSG schema and map to the IDoc Converter activity.
  • If an IDoc is received by the IDoc Listener activity and there is no matching transition to the IDoc Converter activity, then no further processing occurs for that IDoc. If notification or any required step is needed then ensure that there is a transition from the IDoc Listener activity where the Condition Type on the transition is set to Success with No Matching Condition.

General Tab

On the General tab, establish a connection to the SAP system for downloading the IDoc Schema.

The following table lists the configurations on the General tab of the IDoc Converter activity:

Field Module Property? Description
Name No Specify the name to be displayed as the label for the activity in the process.
SAP Connection Yes Click to select an SAP Connection shared resource. The SAP Connection shared resource establishes an inbound connection between the plug-in and the SAP system.

If no matching SAP Connection shared resources are found, right-click the Resources folder, and then click New > SAP Connection to create a new connection. For more information, see Creating and Configuring a SAP Connection for details.

Note: The connection to SAP system is only used for downloading the IDoc schema during configuration of project.
IDoc Name No Click Fetch IDoc to download the schema of the IDoc
In the Search IDoc dialog box, complete the following tasks:
  1. Specify the IDoc filter to filter out the required IDoc types with the basic IDoc type name.

    The IDoc filter supports the wildcard search. The default value of the IDoc Filter field is .*, and the value of this filed is case sensitive.

  2. Select an IDoc type.
    • Basic Type: select Basic Type if you want to download the IDoc schema of the basic type. Only the basic IDoc types matching the IDoc filter can be filtered out.
    • Extended Type: select Extended Type if you want to download the IDoc schema of the extended type. The extended IDoc type name includes the name of the basic IDoc type that it is extended from. Therefore, the extended IDoc types can be filtered out by using the corresponding basic IDoc type name.
  3. Click Fetch IDoc.
  4. Select the IDoc type that you want to download and click OK.

    Ensure that the selected IDoc type and the associated segments have been released in the SAP system.

    You must clear the Download IDoc specific to SAP release check box to filter those IDocs that have been released, but do not have a release number assigned.

When the IDoc schema is downloaded, an XSD file is created. The XSD file cannot be visible in the project, but it can be picked from the activity if required.

  • When an IDoc schema is downloaded to the plug-in, if new segment definitions are added to the IDoc schema because of the upgrade of the SAP system, you have to refresh the IDoc schema in the plug-in.
  • You must specify the correct version for the Seg. release in IDoc type field in the outbound partner profile so that the version of the segment definition in the downloaded IDoc schema matches the version of the IDoc type from the SAP system.
  • If the IDoc schema requires to be refreshed from the SAP system, then ensure that the Download IDoc specific to SAP release check box is configured accordingly. The Download IDoc specific to SAP check box is by default always selected whenever the user clicks the Fetch IDoc button.
IDoc Output Mode No Specify the output of the IDoc Converter activity.

Default value is XML.

Description Tab

On the Description tab, enter a short description for the IDoc Converter activity.

Input Tab

On the Input tab, map the data being outputted from the IDoc Listener activity or Start activity (if using a subprocess).

The following table lists the input elements on the Input tab of the IDoc Converter activity:
Input Item Data Type Description
SAPIDoc Complex Map the SAPIDOC element outputted from the IDoc Listener or Start activity (if using a subprocess)
IDoc Complex Map the IDOC element outputted from the IDoc Listener or Start activity (if using a subprocess)

Output Tab

The Output tab of the IDoc Converter activity shows the parsed IDoc in the XML format.

The output of the IDoc Converter activity follows the following rules:
  • Any space characters at the beginning of the output item value are preserved.
  • Any space characters at the end of the output item value are removed.
  • When space characters at the end of the output item value are removed, and if the output item has no value left, then the corresponding output item is not displayed in the activity output.

Fault Tab

On the Fault tab, you can the find the error codes and error messages of the IDoc Converter activity. See Error Codes for more detailed explanation of errors.

The following table lists error schema elements on the Fault tab of the IDoc Converter activity:
Error Schema Element Data Type Description
msg String Displays the error message.
msgCode String Displays the error code.