Uninstalling on Linux

Uninstall the RPM packages.


  1. List the packages to uninstall.
    Linux Variant Command
    Red Hat
    yum list installed | grep "ems"
    zypper se | grep "ems"
    Verify the packages:
    • EMS C Client Development Kit
    • EMS C Client, .NET Client, and Administration Tool
    • EMS Central Administration (Enterprise Edition only)
    • EMS Java Client and OSGi Bundle
    • EMS Product Information
    • EMS Samples and JAAS Source Code
    • EMS Server
    • EMS Third Party Dynamic Libraries
  2. Uninstall the packages.
    Linux Variant Command
    Red Hat
    sudo yum remove -y "tib_ems*_8.6*"
    sudo zypper rm "tib_ems*_8.6*"