About the Sample Clients
The EMS sample clients were designed to allow you to run TIBCO Enterprise Message Service with minimum start-up time and coding.
The EMS_HOME/samples directory contains several subdirectories. The emsca subdirectory contains samples related to the Central Administration interface. The c, cs, and java subdirectories contain the C,.NET and Java sample clients.
In this chapter, you will compile and run the Java sample clients. For information on how to run the C, .NET, and Central Administration sample clients, see the readme files in their respective directories.
The EMS_HOME/samples/java directory contains the following sets of files:
- Sample clients for TIBCO Enterprise Message Service implementation.
- The JNDI subdirectory contains sample clients that use the JNDI lookup technique.
- The tibrv subdirectory contains sample clients that demonstrate the interoperation of TIBCO Enterprise Message Service with TIBCO Rendezvous applications.
- The admin subdirectory contains samples that illustrate the use of the administration API.
The EMS_HOME/samples/c directory contains sample clients.
On Windows platforms only, the EMS_HOME\samples\cs directory contains two sets of files:
- Sample clients for TIBCO Enterprise Message Service implementation.
- The admin subdirectory contains samples that illustrate the use of the administration API.
In this chapter, you will use some of the sample clients in the EMS_HOME/samples/java directory. For information on compiling and running the other sample clients, see the Readme files in their respective folders.