To compile and run the sample Java clients you need to execute "setup" script, which is located in the
EMS_HOME/samples/java directory.
On Windows systems, the setup file is
On UNIX systems, the setup file is
Make sure you have JDK 1.8 or greater installed and that you’ve added the bin directory to your PATH variable.
Open a command line or console window, and navigate to the
EMS_HOME/samples/java directory.
Open the correct setup script file and verify that the
TIBEMS_ROOT environment variable identifies the correct pathname to your
EMS_HOME directory. For example, on a Windows system this might look like:
set TIBEMS_ROOT=C:\tibco\ems\8.6
Enter setup to set the environment and classpath:
> setup
Compile the samples:
> javac -d . *.java
This compiles all the samples in the directory, except for those samples in the
tibrv subdirectories.
If the files compile successfully, the class files will appear in the
directory. If they do not compile correctly, an error message appears.