EMS Server Configuration Modified Locally
If changes were made directly to the EMS server configuration using the Administration Tool or the administration API and the corresponding configuration in Central Administration was not refreshed, you receive the following error when you attempt a deployment:
The deployment was rejected due to local changes
If this occurs, you can view the differences between the base configuration stored in Central Administration and the one held by the running EMS server, as well as between the base configuration and the configuration with the latest edits saved in the lock file that resulted in a rejected deployment. From there, you can choose which configuration to keep. This functionality is available through the Actions drop-down menu on the server deployment log page. Note that this menu is available only for deployments that have been rejected due to local changes.
You can choose the following actions from the Actions menu:
- View changes made in the EMS server since the last refresh. This action shows differences between the base configuration stored in Central Administration and the one held by the EMS server.
- View changes made in Central Administration since the last refresh. This action shows differences between the base configuration stored in Central Administration and the configuration with the latest edits saved in the lock file, which resulted in a rejected deployment.
- Refresh the Central Administration configuration with this server's configuration. This action discards all changes you have made in Central Administration.
- Overwrite the EMS server configuration with Central Administration's configuration. This action forces the Central Administration deployment, and disregards local changes in the EMS server. You will lose changes made in the EMS server.
See Refreshing the Server Configuration for more information on updating Central Administration with changes made to an EMS server using the Administration Tool, administration API calls, or by directly editing the configuration file.