Provisioning Custom JAAS Authentication or JACI Authorization Modules


  1. Copy your custom JAAS or JACI plugin files, including the static configuration files they may rely on, to a temporary folder.
  2. From the temporary folder, use a Dockerfile based on the example given below to copy these files into the base Docker image:
    FROM ems:8.6.0 
    COPY --chown=tibuser:tibgroup . /opt/tibco/ems/docker/security
    Execute the command
    > docker build -t ems:8.6.0_security . 
  3. After customizing your EMS configuration, make sure you include the relevant paths to those files in the Security Classpath property.
    Note: The other required files are in their usual location /opt/tibco/ems/version/bin and /opt/tibco/ems/version/lib.

    For example, /opt/tibco/ems/docker/security/user_jaas_plugin.jar:/opt/tibco/ems/8.6/bin/tibemsd_jaas.jar:/opt/tibco/ems/8.6/lib/tibjmsadmin.jar, and so on.