Create a Session

A Session is a single-threaded context for producing or consuming messages. You create Message Producers or Message Consumers using Session objects.

A Session can be transactional to enable a group of messages to be sent and received in a single transaction. A non-transactional Session can define the acknowledge mode of message objects received by the session. See Message Acknowledgement for details.

  • Java

    For example, to create a Session that uses the default AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE session mode:

       Session session = connection.createSession();
       Session session = connection.createSession(

    See the sample client for a working example.

  • C

    Use the tibemsConnection_CreateSession function to create a session of type tibemsSession:

    tibemsSession session = NULL;
       status = tibemsConnection_CreateSession(connection,
                &session, TIBEMS_FALSE, TIBEMS_AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);

    See the tibemsMsgProducer.c sample client for a working example.

  • C#

    Use the Connection.CreateSession method to create a Session object:

       Session session = connection.CreateSession(false,             Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);

    See the csMsgProducer.cs sample client for a working example.