The sender_name property specifies that the server may include the sender’s user name for messages sent to this destination.
You can set sender_name using the form:
When the sender_name property is enabled, the server takes the user name supplied by the message producer when the connection is established and places that user name into the JMS_TIBCO_SENDER property in the message.
The message producer can override this behavior by specifying a property on a message. If a message producer sets the JMS_TIBCO_DISABLE_SENDER property to true for a message, the server overrides the sender_name property and does not add the sender name to the message.
If authentication for the server is turned off, the server places whatever user name the message producer supplied when the message producer created a connection to the server. If authentication for the server is enabled, the server authenticates the user name supplied by the connection and the user name placed in the message property will be an authenticated user. If SSL is used, the SSL connection protocol guarantees the client is authenticated using the client’s digital certificate.