Look up Administered Objects Stored in EMS
You can lookup objects from an EMS server by name. All clients can lookup objects in the EMS naming service. Alternatively, Java applications can lookup objects in a third-party JNDI server, and C and C# clients can lookup objects in a third-party LDAP server.
To lookup administered objects stored in EMS, you need to create the initial context that identifies the URL of the naming service provider and any other properties, such as the username and password to authenticate the client to the service. The naming service provider URL has form:
The following examples demonstrate how to access JMS administered objects when using TIBCO Enterprise Message Service. Each of these examples assume that a connection factory, named ConFac, exists in the factories.conf file, a topic.sample topic exists in topics.conf, and a queue.sample queue exists in queues.conf.
- Java
Create an InitialContext object for the initial context, which consists of the provider context factory and JNDI provider URL, as well as the username and password to authenticate the client to the EMS server:
Hashtable env = new Hashtable(); env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "com.tibco.tibjms.naming.TibjmsInitialContextFactory"); env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL,"tibjmsnaming://localhost:7222"); env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "userName"); env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "password"); InitialContext jndiContext = new InitialContext(env);
Look up a connection factory, named ConFac, and destinations, named topic.sample and queue.sample, from the initial context:
ConnectionFactory factory = (javax.jms.ConnectionFactory) jndiContext.lookup("ConFac"); javax.jms.Topic sampleTopic = (javax.jms.Topic)jndiContext.lookup("topic.sample"); javax.jms.Queue sampleQueue = (javax.jms.Queue)jndiContext.lookup("queue.sample");
See the tibjmsJNDI.java sample client located in the EMS_HOME/samples/java/JNDI directory.
- C
Create a tibemsLookupContext object for the initial context, which consists of the JNDI provider URL and the username and password to authenticate the client to the EMS server:
tibemsLookupContext* contextstatus = NULL; status = tibemsLookupContext_Create( &context, "tcp://localhost:7222", "userName", "password");
Use the tibemsLookupContext_LookupConnectionFactory function to look up a connection factory, named ConFac, and use the tibemsLookupContext_LookupDestination function to look up the destinations, named and queue.sample, from the initial context:
topic.sample tibemsConnectionFactory factory = NULL; tibemsDestination sampleTopic = NULL; tibemsDestination sampleQueue = NULL; status = tibemsLookupContext_Lookup(context, "ConFac", (void**)&factory); status = tibemsLookupContext_Lookup(context, "sample.queue", (void**)&sampleQueue); status = tibemsLookupContext_Lookup(context, "topic.sample, (void**)&sampleTopic);
- C#
Create a ILookupContext object for the initial context, which consists of the JNDI provider URL and the username and password to authenticate the client to the EMS server.
Hashtable env = new Hashtable(); env.Add(LookupContext.PROVIDER_URL, "tibjmsnaming://localhost:7222"); env.Add(LookupContext.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL", "myUserName"); env.Add(LookupContext.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS", "myPassword"); LookupContextFactory lcf = new LookupContextFactory(); ILookupContext searcher = lcf.CreateContext( LookupContextFactory.TIBJMS_NAMING_CONT EXT, env);
Use the ILookupContext.Lookup method to look up a connection factory, named ConFac, and destinations, named topic.sample and queue.sample, from the initial context:
ConnectionFactory factory = (ConnectionFactory) searcher.Lookup("ConFac"); Topic sampleTopic = (Topic)searcher.Lookup("topic.sample"); TIBCO.EMS.Queue sampleQueue = (TIBCO.EMS.Queue)searcher.Lookup("queue.sample");