Options for tibemsadmin

Type tibemsadmin -help to display information about tibemsadmin startup parameters. All tibemsadmin parameters are optional.

Option Description
-help or -h Print the help screen.
-script script-file Execute the specified text file containing tibemsadmin commands then quit. Any valid tibemsadmin command described in this chapter can be executed.

Line breaks within the file delimit each command. That is, every command must be contained on a single line (no line breaks within the command), and each command is separated by a line break.

-server server-url Connect to specified server.
-user user-name Use this user name to connect to server.
-password password Use this password to connect to server.
-pwdfile password-file Use the clear-text password in the specified file to connect to the server. If both -pwdfile and -password options are given, the password specified through the -password option takes precedence.
-ignore Ignore errors when executing script file. This parameter only ignores errors in command execution but not syntax errors in the script.
-mangle [password] Mangle the password and quit. Mangled string in the output can be set as a value of one of these passwords from the configuration files:
  • server password
  • server SSL password
  • LDAP admin password
  • database password

    If the password is not entered it is prompted for.

-module_path Specifies a directory or directories that contain the SSL and Zlib shared library files, upon which the Administration Tool is dependent.
-ssl_trusted filename File containing trusted certificate(s). This parameter may be entered more than once if required.
-ssl_identity filename File containing client certificate and (optionally) extra issuer certificate(s), and the private key.
-ssl_issuer filename File containing extra issuer certificate(s) for client-side identity.
-ssl_key filename File containing the private key.
-ssl_password password Private key or PKCS#12 password. If the password is required, but has not been specified, it will be prompted for.
-ssl_pwdfile password-file Use the private key or PKCS12 password in the specified file to connect to the server. If both -ssl_pwdfile and -ssl_password options are given, the password specified through the -ssl_password option takes precedence.
-ssl_noverifyhostname Do not verify hostname against the name on the certificate.
-ssl_hostname name Name expected in the certificate sent by the host.
-ssl_trace Show loaded certificates and certificates sent by the host.
-ssl_debug_trace Show additional tracing, which is useful for debugging.
Note: When a command specifies -user and -password, that information is not stored for later use. It is only used to connect to the server specified in the same command line. The user name and password entered on one command line are not reused with subsequent connect commands entered in the script file or interactively.


tibemsadmin -server "tcp://host:7222"
tibemsadmin -server "tcp://host:7222" -user admin -password secret

Some options are needed when you choose to make a SSL connection. For more information on SSL connections, refer to SSL Protocol.