Pure Java Rendezvous Programs
TIBCO Enterprise Message Service is shipped with the tibrvjms.jar file that you can include in your TIBCO Rendezvous applications. This JAR file includes the implementation of the com.tibco.tibrv.TibrvJMSTransport class. This class extends the com.tibco.tibrv.TibrvNetTransport class and allows your pure Java Rendezvous programs to communicate directly with the EMS server instead of through rva.
the application must include tibrvjms.jar and EITHER tibrvjweb.jar OR tibrvj.jar, but CANNOT include tibrvnative.jar
To use the TibrvJMSTransport class, your application must include tibrvjms.jar (included with EMS) and either tibrvjweb.jar or tibrv.jar (included with TIBCO Rendezvous). Your application cannot include tibrvnative.jar.
Both TIBCO Rendezvous and EMS must be purchased, installed, and configured before creating pure Java Rendezvous applications that use the TibrvJMSTransport class.
The TibrvJMSTransport class provides Rendezvous reliable communication only. Other types of communication, such as certified messaging, are not supported by this transport.
Applications using this transport can send messages to a topic on an EMS server that has the same topic name as the subject of the message. EMS topics receiving Rendezvous messages sent by way of the TibrvJMSTransport do not need to specify the import property. This transport cannot be used to send messages to JMS queues.