Update Sub Elements

The following are the sub elements for the update operation.

Update Characteristic

Element Type Cardinality Description
entity/characteristic/create CharacteristicCreateType Optional These are the characteristics to create.
entity/characteristic/create/id String Optional This is the identifier of the characteristic to create.
entity/characteristic/create/name String Mandatory This is the name of the characteristic to create.
entity/characteristic/create/value String Mandatory This is the value of the characteristic to create.
entity/characteristic/delete CharacteristicDeleteType Optional This is the container of the characteristic ID to delete on the item.
entity/characteristic/delete/id String Mandatory Only the ID is required for deletion of an item.
entity/characteristic/update CharacteristicUpdateType Mandatory These are the characteristics to update.
entity/characteristic/update/id String Mandatory The ID is mandatory for updating a characteristic.
entity/characteristic/update/name String Optional This is the updated name of the characteristic.
entity/characteristic/update/name String Optional This is the updated value of the characteristic value

Update Lock

Element Type Cardinality Description
entity/lock LockType Optional This represents a lock request.
entity/lock/key String Mandatory This is the key for the lock.
entity/lock/immediate Boolean Choice This indicates an immediate lock request.

If an immediate lock is not present in the request, the lock will be delayed. If immediate=true, the lock will be immediate.

entity/lock/priority Int Choice / Optional default=5 (from 1 to 10) This is the priority of the lock request.
entity/lock/timeout Int Choice / Optional default=no timeout This is the timeout of the lock request. The timeout is in seconds.
entity/unlock UnlockType Optional This represents an unlock from the registered list request.
entity/unlock/key String Choice (1..N) This is the key to remove from the current or registered lock.
entity/unlock/clearAllLocks Boolean Choice This indicates to clear all locks.

Update Order

Element Type Cardinality Description
entity/order/create OrderType Optional The order to create in the item.
entity/order/create/orderId String Mandatory This is the ID of the order to create.
entity/order/create/orderRef String Mandatory This is the external reference for the order to create.
entity/order/create/orderDate dateTime Mandatory This is the date for the order to create.
entity/order/create/lineNumber String Mandatory This the line referencing the order to create.
entity/order/create/lineAction String Mandatory This is the action of the line referencing the order to create.
entity/order/create/lineActionMode String Optional This is the action mode to create.
entity/order/create/planItemId String Optional This is the planItemId referencing the order to create.
entity/order/create/planItemAction String Optional This is the action for the plan item for the order to create.
entity/order/create/comment String Optional (0..N) This is the list of comments associated with the order to create.
entity/order/update OrderUpdateType Optional This represents a type to update an order. A choice allows clearing all comments or adding new ones. Update can nullify fields or update only specific fields. The omitted fields are not changed.
entity/order/update/orderId String Mandatory This is the ID of the order to update.
entity/order/update/orderRef String Mandatory This is the external reference for the updated order.
entity/order/update/orderDate dateTime Mandatory This is the date for the updated order.
entity/order/update/lineNumber String Mandatory This the line referencing the updated order.
entity/order/update/lineAction String Mandatory This is the action of the line referencing the updated order.
entity/order/update/lineActionMode String Optional This is the action mode for updated order.
entity/order/update/planItemId String Optional This is the planItemId for the update order.
entity/order/update/planItemAction String Optional This is the action for the plan item for the updated order.
entity/order/update/comment String Optional (0..N) This is the list of comments associated with the updated order.
entity/order/delete OrderDeleteType Optional To delete an order, only the order id is needed.
entity/order/delete/id String Mandatory This is the ID of the order to delete.

Update Relationship

Element Type Cardinality Description
entity/relationship/create RelationshipType Optional This is the relationship to create in this item.
entity/relationship/create/type String Mandatory This is the forward type of the relationship to create.
entity/relationship/create/reverseType String Mandatory This is the reverse type of the relationship to create.
entity/relationship/create/id String Mandatory This is the ID of the relationship to create.
entity/relationship/delete RelationshipType Optional This is the relationship related to this item to delete.
entity/relationship/delete/type String Mandatory This is the forward type of the relationship to delete.
entity/relationship/delete/reverseType String Mandatory This is the reverse type of the relationship to delete.
entity/relationship/delete/id String Mandatory This is the ID of the relationship to delete.