Running the IterateResultSet Project

You can run the process in the IterateResultSet project to see how to perform a batch of operations.


Ensure that you have imported the IterateResultSet project to TIBCO Business Studio as described in Importing Sample Projects.


  1. In the Project Explorer view, expand the IterateResultSet project.
  2. Click Processes > iterateresultset > PutDataInBatch.bwp and double-click the process in the Process editor.
  3. In the Properties view, click the Process Properties tab and type TIBCO_HOME/bw/palettes/activespaces/version_number/samples/IterateResultSet/output as the value for the LogFilePatch property.
  4. From the menu, click Run > Run Configurations.
  5. In the Run Configurations dialog, expand BusinessWorks Application and click BWApplication.
  6. In the right panel, click Deselect All and select the check box next to IterateResultSet.application. Then click Apply.
  7. Click Run to run the process.
  8. Click the icon to stop the process.


  • If all the tuples are stored successfully, a message similar to the following example is written to the SuccessTuple.txt file:
    • 2--Success tuple index: 1
  • If the tuples are not stored successfully, a message similar to the following example is written to the FailedTuple.txt file:
    • 2--Failed tuple index:6 Error message: capacity_exceeded

The SuccessTuple.txt and FailedTuple.txt files are located in the TIBCO_HOME/bw/palettes/activespaces/version_number/samples/IterateResultSet/output directory.