BusinessWorks Log Files

The following table lists the retained BusinessWorks log files:

Retained TIBCO BusinessWorks Log Files
Name Location Purpose of the Log
bwagent.log $ENGINE_WORK_DIR/opt/qa/engine/work/<machine_name-0>/tibco/bw/6.2/logs Records bwagent activity.
bwadmin.log $ENGINE_WORK_DIR/opt/qa/engine/work/<machine_name-0>/tibco/bw/6.2/logs Audit record of administrative actions.
bwappnode.log $ENGINE_WORK_DIR/opt/qa/engine/work/<machine_name-0>/tibco/bw/6.2/domains/<Domain_name>/appnodes/<AppSpace_Name>/<AppNode_name>/log/bwappnode.log Records service events
BusinessWorks Application Name, for example: MyAppName.log When a BW 5.x Distribution is published:


When a BW 6.x Distribution is published:


These are the most important log files, as they record all BusinessWorks application activities.