Upload, Add, Customize, or Remove a Content File

If needed, you can upload a content file (for example, the JDBC Jar file for mysql) specific to this component from this dialog.

You can perform the following operations:

  • Upload: Upload new file.
  • Add from Enabler: Copy a content file from the Enabler to the component.
  • Customize: Modify the content file.
  • Remove: Delete the file.


  • Add files to a relative path associated with the BusinessWorks component that can be required for the component to run according to design.
    Uploading Content Files

    You can customize the domain related properties by clicking Add from Enabler. The file AddMachine.properties can be selected and loaded in the wizard where you can customize the properties using the Customize button. The changes to the properties are reflected in the AddMachine.xml file. This file is used for adding machine to the TIBCO Administrator domain.

    Steps to customize the properties are as follows:

    1. Select the loaded AddMachine.properties file and click Customize.
    2. Uncomment the property you want to customize, and set the value after "=" sign
    3. Click OK once you have done the customization.