Using Consul with TIBCO Cloud Integration- Flogo (PAYG)

Below is a high-level workflow for using Consul with your Flogo app.


You must have access to Consul before following this procedure. This document assumes that you have set up Consul and know how Consul is used to store service configuration. For information on Consul, refer to the Consul documentation.
At a high level, to use Consul to override application properties in your app (properties that were set in TIBCO Cloud Integration- Flogo (PAYG)), do the following:


  1. You begin by exporting your app binary from TIBCO Cloud Integration- Flogo (PAYG). Refer to Exporting and Importing an App for details on how to export the app.
  2. Configure key/value pairs in Consul for the application properties whose values you want to override. At runtime, the app fetches these values from the Consul and uses them to replace their default values that were set in the app.
    Important: When setting up the Key in Consul, make sure that the Key name matches exactly with the corresponding application property name in the Application Properties dialog in TIBCO Cloud Integration- Flogo (PAYG). If the property name does not match exactly, you will receive a warning message and the app will use the default value for the property that you configured in TIBCO Cloud Integration- Flogo (PAYG).
  3. Set the FLOGO_APP_PROPS_CONSUL environment variable to set the Consul server connection parameters. See Setting the Consul Connection Parameters for details.
Related reference