Creating a Flow

Every app has at least one flow. Use the +Create link on the app page to create the first flow in an app. If a flow already exists in an app, click the Create button to create additional flows.


Before creating a flow for connectors, make sure that you have created the necessary connections.
Note: A flow can have multiple triggers. When executing a flow with multiple triggers, you cannot disable a trigger, specify a particular trigger to execute, or specify the order in which the triggers execute. All triggers get initialized in the order that they appear in the flow.

The output of a trigger provides the input to the flow. Hence, it must be mapped to the flow input. In the absence of a trigger, when creating a flow, there must be a well defined contract within the flow which specifies the input to the flow and the output expected after the flow completes execution. You define this contract in the Flow Inputs & Outputs dialog. The Flow Inputs & Ouputs contract works as a bridge between the flow and the trigger, hence every trigger has to be configured to map its output to the Input parameters defined in Flow Inputs & Ouputs.

If any trigger needs to send a response back to a server, its output must be mapped to the output of the Return activity.

Follow these steps to create a flow in an app:


  1. Click an app name on the Apps page in TIBCO Cloud Integration- Flogo (PAYG) to open its page.
  2. Click the +Create if this is the first flow in the app. If one or more flows exist, click the Create button.
    The Create flows and triggers dialog opens.
  3. Enter a name for the flow in the Name text box.
    Flow names within an app must be unique. An app cannot contain two flows with the same name.
  4. Optionally, enter a brief description of what the flow does in the Description text box.
  5. Click New Flow and then click Create.
    You will be prompted to select one of the following options:

    • Start with a trigger - If you know the trigger with which you want to activate the flow, select this option. You have the option to attach one or more triggers at any later time after the flow has been created. Refer to the appropriate section for the type of trigger that you want to create.
    • Configure flow inputs and outputs - Select this option if you know the algorithm for the flow, but do not yet know the circumstances that will cause the flow to execute. Flow inputs and outputs create a contract between the trigger and the flow. When you create a trigger, you must map the output of the trigger to the input to the flow. This contract serves as a bridge between the trigger and the flow.

    A flow gets created.The number displayed in the yellow arrow preceding the flow is the number of triggers that are attached to the flow.

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