Cloning a Launch Configuration

Whereas exporting-and-importing a Launch Configuration is useful for using the same set of data in two or more flows, cloning a Launch Configuration is useful when you want to test the same flow with two sets of data that have only minor differences.

A good use case for cloning

Clone a Launch Configuration when you need to test a flow multiple times using the same input schema, but different values for one or more element in the schema during each round of testing. You can start by creating a Launch Configuration, then cloning it then editing the cloned Launch Configuration. You can create as many clones as desired. Each clone is a separate Launch Configuration having the same input schema. You can change the values for the elements in each cloned Launch Configuration as required. Use the original Launch Configuration for one round of testing and the cloned Launch Configuration(s) for the subsequent round(s).

To clone an existing Launch Configuration, do the following:


  1. In the Flow tester, hover your mouse cursor to the extreme right of the Launch Configuration name that you want to clone.
  2. Click the Clone Launch Configuration () icon. The cloned Launch Configuration will be named Copy <name-of-the-original-Launch Configuration> by default. You can edit the name of the Launch Configuration in the Launch Configuration name text box.