MQTT Publish Activity
The MQTT Publish activity publishes a message to a broker, which supports and exposes the MQTT protocol.
The Settings tab has the following fields:
Field | Description |
Connection | Name of the connection |
Topic | The topic where the message is published |
Retain | You must enable this field to retain the last message for new subscribers |
QoS | The quality of service is set to 0, 1, or 2 |
Value Deserializer | Establish the way the message body is treated |
Value Deserializer:String | The activity input accepts a simple string. The string is sent as an array of bytes to the server. |
Value Deserializer:JSON | An Input Settings field is enabled where the application designer can enter a JSON object. That object is presented on the input schema for mapping and at run time the object is deserialized and sent as bytes. A subscriber can use the same JSON object definition to deserialize the message. |
Value Deserializer:Base64 | The activity accepts string data which is base64 decoded into a byte array before being sent to the broker. If a previous activity presents a byte array on its output, it is safe to map that value here. |
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