Application Properties

You can configure some supported fields with application properties when configuring triggers and activities. Connection-related application properties cannot be used for configuration anywhere within an app. Their only purpose is to allow you to change a connection value if need be during runtime. Configuration fields in your flow that require their values to be changed when the app goes from a testing stage to production are best configured using application properties instead of hard coding their values. Application properties for triggers and activities reside within the app. Application properties for connections are not modifiable from the App Properties dialog in the app.

The URL field in an activity is a good example of a field for which you would want different values – maybe an internal URL when testing the app and an external URL when the app goes into production. You may want the URL for an activity used in the activity to change when the app goes from a test environment to production. In such a case, it is best to configure the URL field in the activity with an application property instead of hardcoding the URL. This way, you can change the URL by changing the value of the application property used to configure the URL field.

An application property value can be any of the following data types:
  • string
  • boolean
  • number
  • password
Values for the password data type is encrypted and will not be visible by default. But when configuring the password value, you can click on the Show/Hide password property value icon () to see the value temporarily in order to verify that it has been entered correctly.

Application properties are saved within the app, so when you export or import an app, application properties configured in the app also get exported or imported with the app. Properties of data type password do not retain their values when an app is exported. So, you must reconfigure the password after importing the app.

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