Creating Application Properties

You can create an application property as a standalone property or as a part of a group. Use a group to organize application properties under a parent. A parent acts as an umbrella to hold related application properties and is basically a label with a meaningful name. A parent does not have a data type associated with it. For instance, if you want to group all application properties associated with a particular activity, you can create a group with a parent that has the activity name and create all that activity-related application properties under that parent.

As an example, you can create LOG_LEVEL as a standalone application property without a parent. Or you can create it as a part of a hierarchy such as LOG.LOG_LEVEL with the parent of the hierarchy being LOG and LOG_LEVEL being the application property under LOG. Keep in mind that if you group properties, you must refer to them using the dot notation starting from the parent. For example, the LOG_LEVEL property must be referred to as LOG.LOG_LEVEL. You can nest a group within a group.

Note: Once you create an application property either as a standalone property or under a group, you cannot move the property around to another location in the properties list.

The App Properties dialog allows you to view your application properties in two formats (views). Refer to App Properties Dialog Views for details.