Using Expressions

You can use two categories of expressions in TIBCO Cloud Integration- Flogo (PAYG).

Base Expression

Base expressions are assembled as follows: primitive data type + function + expression

Here are some examples of basic expressions:
string.concat("Rest Invoke response status code:",$activity[InvokeRESTService].statusCode)
string.length($activity[InvokeRESTService] >=7
$activity[InvokeRESTService].statusCode == 200 && $activity[InvokeRESTService] == "Success"

Ternary Expression

Ternary expressions are assembled as follows: base expression ? base expression : base expression

Here is an example of basic ternary expression:
$activity[InvokeRESTService].statusCode == 200 ? "Response successfully":"Response failed, status code not 200"
Here is an example of a nested ternary expression:
$activity[InvokeRESTService].statusCode == 200 ? $activity[InvokeRESTService] == "Success" ? "Response with correct data" : "Status ok but data unexpected" : "Response failed, status code not 200"