Building Tomcat Native Library
- Download the tomcat-native.tar.gz archive to a temporary location, such as /home/user/tomnative. The tomcat-native.tar.gz archive is located under CATALINA_HOME/bin.
- Navigate to the temporary location directory where the tomcat-native.tar.gz archive is downloaded. For example, navigate to the /home/user/tomnative directory.
- Extract the tomcat-native.tar.gz archive in the temporary location, such as /home/user/tomnative directory.
- Change to the /home/user/tomnative/tomcat-native-1.1.27-src/jni/native directory.
Execute the following commands at the command prompt in sequence:
- Verify that the Path_to_destination_directory/lib directory contains around five new files with extensions such as .so, .la,.a and so on after the successful installation.
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