Performance Tuning Parameters
Set the following property in the
Increase the number of threads to handle the load of incoming requests, as follows:
- Navigate to the ASG_HOME/bin directory.
- Edit the asg_core.cdd file in a text editor.
- Search the <inference-agent-class id="core-class"> under <agent-classes> element.
- For the <inference-agent-class id="core-class">, go to the <shared-queue> node.
Expand the <shared-queue> node to edit the <workers> element value, as follows:
<shared-queue> <size>1024</size> <workers>10</workers> </shared-queue>
- Edit the the value of <workers> element, as required. The default is 10.
- Save changes to the asg_core.cdd file.
If you use native HTTP channel, select the Caller’s Thread threading model as follows:
- Navigate to the ASG_HOME/bin directory.
- Edit the asg_core.cdd file in a text editor.
- Search the <destinations id="DefaultImplementationDestinations">/<destination id="FacadeRequest_5449883F"> under <destination-groups> element.
- For the <destination id="FacadeRequest_5449883F">, go to the <threading-model> node.
Edit the <threading-model> element value, as follows:
Using the Caller’s Thread threading model, by default, 200 threads managed by the underlying HTTP server resource are used to handle the incoming HTTP requests. When the Caller’s Thread is set as threading model for native HTTP channel, the settings for <workers> under <shared-queue> for <inference-agent-class id="core-class"> under <agent-classes> do not apply for native HTTP channel.
- Save changes to the file.
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