SOAP Sample Project

This sample project only supports the Microsoft Dynamics CRM online server. If you want to use the Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premise server, you must do the specific configurations with each authentication server.

The SOAP sample project contains the following processes:

  • AssociateEntities

    This process shows how to use the Associate Entities activity to create and delete a link of created entity records.

  • EntityEventSource

    This process shows how to use the Entity Event Source activity to listen to the Create, Update, and Delete user events triggered on specified entity records.

  • ExecuteRequest_Assign

    This process shows how to use the Execute Request activity to assign an entity record in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM server.

  • ExecuteRequest_Create_Retrieve_Delete

    This process shows how to use the Execute Request activity to create, retrieve and delete an entity record in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM server.

  • ExecuteRequest_RetrieveEntity

    This process shows how to use the Execute Request activity to retrieve metadata of an entity record in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM server.

  • RetrieveMultipleEntities_FetchXML

    This process shows how to use the Retrieve Multiple Entities activity to retrieve entity records in XML format in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM server.

  • RetrieveMultipleEntities_Simple_Paging

    This process shows how to use the Retrieve Multiple Entities activity to retrieve entity records in paging criteria in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM server.

  • RetrieveMultipleEntities_Simple

    This process shows how to use the Retrieve Multiple Entities activity to retrieve entity records in simple criteria in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM server.

  • Scenario_CRUD

    This process shows how to create, retrieve, update, and delete entity records in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM server.