Add Public Key
Click Add Public Key page.
to add public keys on theTo add a public key that has been received by a 3rd party, select the the type of key that is to be assigned to a server or user from the Public Key Type list. Next, choose if the key will be enabled or disabled upon it being added to the database. Then, paste the base64 format of the key into the public key field. Finally, click Continue, and then, verify the details to complete saving the public key.
A public key should be in one of the following format:
SSH Public Keys ---- BEGIN SSH2 PUBLIC KEY ---- ......ssh key information..... ......ssh key information..... ---- END SSH2 PUBLIC KEY ----Or,
ssh-rsa ......ssh key information..... ......ssh key information..... ......ssh key information..... user@domainPlatform, HTTPS and FTPS Public Keys
-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- ......certificate information..... ......certificate information..... -----END CERTIFICATE-----
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