The following Java code example shows how to add a user to TIBCO MFT Command Center by using the Administrator service. Substitute the correct values of your MFT installation to compile and execute this sample.
import AdminClient.*; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import javax.xml.rpc.Stub; import javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException; /* * This program demonstrates adding a user through the administrative SOAP service. Changes the ADMIN_SERVICE_URL and * the ADMIN_USER_ID and ADMIN_PASSWORD variables declared below. * * COMPILE * javac -classpath D:\Tomcat5.5\webapps\cfcc\WEB-INF\lib\AdminClient.jar;D:\Tomcat5.5\webapps\cfcc\WEB-INF\lib\jaxrpc.jar; * D:\Tomcat5.5\webapps\cfcc\WEB-INF\lib\axis.jar * * RUN * java -cp .;D:\Tomcat5.5\webapps\cfcc\WEB-INF\lib\AdminClient.jar;D:\Tomcat5.5\webapps\cfcc\WEB-INF\lib\jaxrpc.jar; * D:\Tomcat5.5\webapps\cfcc\WEB-INF\lib\axis.jar;D:\Tomcat5.5\webapps\cfcc\WEB-INF\lib\commons-logging.jar; * D:\Tomcat5.5\webapps\cfcc\WEB-INF\lib\commons-discovery.jar;D:\Tomcat5.5\webapps\cfcc\WEB-INF\lib\saaj.jar; * D:\Tomcat5.5\webapps\cfcc\WEB-INF\lib\wsdl4j.jar;D:\Tomcat5.5\webapps\cfcc\WEB-INF\classes SOAPClient * */ public class SOAPClient { private static final String ADMIN_SERVICE_URL = ""; private static final String ADMIN_USER_ID = "admin"; private static final String ADMIN_PASSWORD = "admin"; public static void main(String[] args) { SOAPClient adminClient = new SOAPClient(); User newUser = new User(); newUser.setId("test01"); newUser.setFullName("Test User 1"); newUser.setPassword("test1234"); DateTime expireDate = new DateTime(); // Dec 31, 2011 expireDate.setYear(2011); expireDate.setMonth(11); // months are 0 thru 11 expireDate.setDay(31); newUser.setExpirationDate(expireDate); try { adminClient.addUser(newUser); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("Error adding user, " + e.getMessage()); } } public void addUser(User _usr) throws RemoteException, ServiceException { System.setProperty("", "com.proginet.sift.soap.fileTransferService.util.CustomAxisSSLSocketFactory"); Stub stub = createProxy(ADMIN_USER_ID, ADMIN_PASSWORD); stub._setProperty(javax.xml.rpc.Stub.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, ADMIN_SERVICE_URL); ((org.apache.axis.client.Stub)stub).setMaintainSession(true); AdminService admin=(AdminService)stub; // apache stub // need session id to make SOAP calls String sessionId = admin.getSession(); boolean success = admin.addUser(_usr, sessionId); if (success) { System.out.println("Added user successfully."); } else { System.out.println("Failed to add user."); } } /** * Create stub to communicate with service. * * @param username username set into stub for authentication * @param password user's passowrd set into stub for authentication * @return the stub used for communication */ protected static Stub createProxy(String _username, String _password) throws ServiceException { // apache stub AdminServiceService adminService = new AdminServiceServiceLocator(); //get service location AdminService admin = adminService.getAdministratorService(); //get stub instance (already cast) if (_username == null) { _username = ""; } if (_password == null) { _password = ""; } ((Stub)admin)._setProperty(javax.xml.rpc.Stub.USERNAME_PROPERTY, _username); //down cast to load stub ((Stub)admin)._setProperty(javax.xml.rpc.Stub.PASSWORD_PROPERTY, _password); //username and password ((Stub)admin)._setProperty(javax.xml.rpc.Stub.SESSION_MAINTAIN_PROPERTY, new Boolean(true)); //maintain session return (Stub)admin; } }
This following example uses the Administrator service to create an MFT user ID. It then creates a transfer definition and assigns it to the user ID. The File Transfer service is used to retrieve a list of all files available to the user ID. Substitute the correct values of your MFT installation to compile and execute this sample.
package test; // Admin Service imports import AdminClient.AdminService; import AdminClient.AdminServiceService; import AdminClient.AdminServiceServiceLocator; import AdminClient.DateTime; import AdminClient.User; import AdminClient.Transfer; // FT Service imports import FTClient.FTService_PortType; import FTClient.FTServiceService; import FTClient.FTServiceServiceLocator; import FTClient.FileInfo; // other imports import java.rmi.RemoteException; import javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException; import org.apache.axis.client.Stub; public class SOAPTest { public static void main(String[] args) { SOAPAdminService admin = new SOAPAdminService(); admin.addUser(); admin.addInternetTransfer(); admin.cleanup(); SOAPFTService ft = new SOAPFTService(); ft.displayAllTransferIds(); ft.cleanup(); } } class SOAPAdminService { private static final String SERVER_URL = ""; private static final String ADMIN_SERVICES_URL = "/control?view=services/AdministratorService"; private String ADMIN_USER_ID = "admin"; private String ADMIN_PASSWORD = "admin"; private String NEW_USER_ID = "test02"; private String NEW_USER_PWD = "test1234"; private String NEW_USER_NAME = "Test User 2"; private AdminService m_adminService; private String m_sessionId; public SOAPAdminService() { try { getAdminService(); } catch(ServiceException e) { e.printStackTrace(System.out); return; } getSessionId(); } public void cleanup() { closeSession(); } public void addUser() { User usr = new User(); usr.setId(NEW_USER_ID); usr.setFullName(NEW_USER_NAME); usr.setPassword(NEW_USER_PWD); DateTime expireDate = new DateTime(); expireDate.setYear(2020); expireDate.setMonth(11); // months are 0 thru 11 expireDate.setDay(31); usr.setExpirationDate(expireDate); try { boolean rc = m_adminService.addUser(usr, m_sessionId); System.out.println("User was added [" + rc + "]"); } catch(RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(System.out); } } public void addInternetTransfer() { Transfer xfer = new Transfer(); xfer.setClientFileName("C:\\tmp\\localfile.txt"); xfer.setServerFileName("C:\\tmp\\remotefile.txt"); xfer.setDirectoryTransfer("0"); // 0 = no 1 = yes xfer.setDescription("test upload"); xfer.setAuthUserId(NEW_USER_ID); xfer.setNodeName("*LOCAL"); xfer.setSendRecvFlag("S"); // S = upload R = download xfer.setAllowableProtocol("ALL"); xfer.setConversionFlag("0"); // 0 = Ascii to EBCDIC conversion 1 = ASCII to EBCDIC conversion based on local translation table try { String fileId = m_adminService.addTransfer(xfer, m_sessionId); System.out.println("Transfer was added [" + fileId + "]"); } catch(RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(System.out); } } private void getSessionId() { try { m_sessionId = m_adminService.getSession(); } catch(RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(System.out); } } private void closeSession() { try { m_adminService.closeSession(m_sessionId); } catch(RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(System.out); } } private void getAdminService() throws ServiceException { System.setProperty("", "test.CustomAxisSSLSocketFactory"); SOAPServiceFactory serviceFactory = new SOAPServiceFactory(); serviceFactory.setUserId(ADMIN_USER_ID); serviceFactory.setPassword(ADMIN_PASSWORD); serviceFactory.setServiceUrl(SERVER_URL + ADMIN_SERVICES_URL); m_adminService = serviceFactory.getAdminService(); } } class SOAPFTService { private static final String SERVER_URL = ""; private static final String FT_SERVICES_URL = "/control?view=services/FTService"; private String XFER_USER_ID = "test02"; private String XFER_PASSWORD = "test1234"; private FTService_PortType m_ftService; private String m_sessionId; public SOAPFTService() { try { getFTService(); } catch(ServiceException e) { e.printStackTrace(System.out); return; } getSessionId(); } public void cleanup() { closeSession(); } public void displayAllTransferIds() { try { FileInfo[] files = m_ftService.getAllFilesForUser(m_sessionId); if (files != null) { for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { if (files[i] != null) { System.out.println(files[i].getId()); } } } } catch(RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(System.out); } } private void getSessionId() { try { m_sessionId = m_ftService.getSession(); } catch(RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(System.out); } } private void closeSession() { try { m_ftService.closeSession(m_sessionId); } catch(RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(System.out); } } private void getFTService() throws ServiceException { System.setProperty("", "test.CustomAxisSSLSocketFactory"); SOAPServiceFactory serviceFactory = new SOAPServiceFactory(); serviceFactory.setUserId(XFER_USER_ID); serviceFactory.setPassword(XFER_PASSWORD); serviceFactory.setServiceUrl(SERVER_URL + FT_SERVICES_URL); m_ftService = serviceFactory.getFTService(); } } class SOAPServiceFactory { private String m_userId; private String m_password; private String m_serviceUrl; private int m_timeout; private boolean m_maintainSession; private static final int THIRTY_SECONDS = 1000 * 30; public SOAPServiceFactory() { m_timeout = THIRTY_SECONDS; m_maintainSession = true; } public void setUserId(String _userId) { m_userId = _userId; } public void setPassword(String _pwd) { m_password = _pwd; } public void setServiceUrl(String _url) { m_serviceUrl = _url; } public void setTimeout(int _milliseconds) { m_timeout = _milliseconds; } public void setMaintainSession(boolean _flag) { m_maintainSession = _flag; } public AdminService getAdminService() throws ServiceException { AdminServiceService serviceLocator = new AdminServiceServiceLocator(); AdminService adminService = serviceLocator.getAdministratorService(); setStubProperties((Stub)adminService); return adminService; } public FTService_PortType getFTService() throws ServiceException { FTServiceService serviceLocator = new FTServiceServiceLocator(); FTService_PortType ftService = serviceLocator.getFTService(); setStubProperties((Stub)ftService); return ftService; } private void setStubProperties(Stub _stub) { _stub._setProperty(Stub.USERNAME_PROPERTY, m_userId); _stub._setProperty(Stub.PASSWORD_PROPERTY, m_password); _stub._setProperty(Stub.SESSION_MAINTAIN_PROPERTY, new Boolean(m_maintainSession)); _stub._setProperty(Stub.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, m_serviceUrl); _stub.setTimeout(m_timeout); } }
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