Sizing Guide

Usually, the total data set is partitioned horizontally into copysets where each copyset holds a fraction of the data. Since a copyset in production typically includes more than one node for redundancy (where each node is an exact replica of the data in that copyset), let us start with a simplifying assumption that the data resides on a single node per copyset.

The size of a copyset is determined by the following factors:
  • The number of rows
  • The size of a row in bytes (The size of a row is determined by number of columns, the column data types, and the actual values placed in each column)
  • Indexes
ActiveSpaces provides an Excel spreadsheet that can be used to calculate the size of your data grid. Download the ActiveSpaces Sizing Guide from the TIBCO ActiveSpaces landing page. Please review the spreadsheet for information about how the number of bytes in the example used in this guide were determined.