Setting up a Secure TIBCO FTL Server

For a production deployment, perform the following steps:


  1. Set up the secure TIBCO FTL server. For details about securing TIBCO FTL servers, see "Securing FTL Servers" in TIBCO FTL® Security.
  2. Set up the YAML configuration file, and configure the FTL servers to use TLS security in their configuration files.
  3. Run --init-security with a keystore_password file to generate the .p12 keystore file and ftl-trust.pem file.
  4. Distribute the ftl-trust.pem file for use in all other applications.
  5. Start the TIBCO FTL server.

What to do next

To start a secure data grid, follow the steps in Setting up a Secure Data Grid.

Example Scripts

Sample scripts to secure a data grid are available at TIBCO_HOME/as/<version>/samples/scripts. You can also start a secure TIBCO FTL Server and a secure data grid by using as-start with the -s command-line option.
Note: The installation environment of ActiveSpaces is referenced as TIBCO_HOME. For example, on Microsoft Windows, TIBCO_HOME might be C:\tibco.