Types of Data Grids

The following list differentiates the types of data grids in ActiveSpaces:
Stand-Alone Data Grids
Any data grid that does not belong to a gridset is a stand-alone data grid. All operations included in the ActiveSpaces API are permitted on stand-alone data grids.
Primary Data Grids

Any data grid that is listed as the primary of a gridset is a primary grid. All operations included in the ActiveSpaces API are permitted on primary grids. Primary grids are responsible for supplying mirror grids with data on request.

Mirror Data Grids

Any data grid that is included in a gridset, but is not currently the primary of that gridset is a mirror grid. Only read operations are allowed on mirror grids (For example, GET, queries, iterators, and so on). Read operations are executed against the most recent checkpoint that has been mirrored from the primary grid. Mirror grids are responsible for requesting updates from the primary grid.

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