Creating the ActiveSpaces Data Grid


  1. Complete the steps listed in Preparing for Installation.
  2. Complete the steps listed in Installing TIBCO FTL Server as a Windows Service.
  3. On Microsoft Windows, open the Services window and manually start each of the TIBCO FTL servers. Ensure that the TIBCO FTL servers are running. Verify by taking a look at the logs that are written to C:\activespacesdata\logs and the realm data that is written to C:\activespacesdata\realm_data.


  1. Create the example data grid by using the tibdg.exe administration tool, which creates the data grid definition in the realm. The data grid definition saved from the GUID-6645CB13-B623-4A65-B398-0C08DA84886A.html#GUID-6645CB13-B623-4A65-B398-0C08DA84886A__STEP_A9234B2248894A528CBEE176AAD1028A in Preparing for Installation is found in C:\activespacesdata\_default.tibdg.
    TIBCO_HOME\as\<as_version>\bin\tibdg -r "http://localhost:8085|http://localhost:8185|http://localhost:8285" -s C:\activespacesdata\_default.tibdg
  2. After creating the data grid, check the status by using the tibdg.exe administration tool.
    TIBCO_HOME\as\<as_version>\bin\tibdg -r "http://localhost:8085|http://localhost:8185|http://localhost:8285" status
    The output shows the data grid and the processes that are not yet running.
    Data Grid Status
    Grid Status