Component Command-Line Parameters

All three executable components -- state keeper, node, and proxy -- accept the same set of command-line parameters, as documented here.

Parameter Description
-n name

--name name

Required. Process name.

Supply one of the names you assigned in Defining a Data Grid.

-r realm_service_URL

-rs realm_service_URL

--realmserver realm_service_URL

Required. Realm service location.

Supply the realm service URL in the form http://host:port. Use the values of host and port that you supplied as the -n arguments in Starting a Realm Service. If running a secure realm service, use https instead of http.

When you are running a cluster of FTL servers the realm_service_URL can be a list of URLs separated by a | (pipe) character. For example:

-r realm_service1_URL [ | realm_service2_URL [ | realm_service3_URL] ]
-g name

--grid name


Required when a data grid has been configured with a name. The name of the data grid as specified in Defining a Data Grid.

-k file_name

--logfile filename

Optional. Setting this parameter enables rotating log files that start with the specified filename as the prefix.
-q integer

--max-log-size integer

Optional. Specify the maximum size of a single log file before rotating.
-w integer

--max-logs integer

Optional. Specify the maximum number of log files to keep. The default is 1.

Controlling Data Grid Access

Access to tables in the data grid can be controlled by setting permissions on tables. For information on starting data grid processes when table permissions are used, see Grid and Table Permissions.