Grid and Table Permissions

Data grid access control can be extended to apply permissions on tables to control who has access to the data in the tables.

If you are not familiar with using authentication and authorization with ActiveSpaces, it is recommended that you read the section, Authentication and Authorization. Enabling table permissions helps you grant read or write access to users or authorization groups (also known as roles). With the read permission on a table, a user or role can read the data in the table. With the write permission on a table, a user or role can modify the data in the table.

Examples of read operations are GET operations, executing SQL SELECT statements, and creating a Listener on the table.

Examples of write operations are PUT and DELETE operations and SQL INSERT statements.

To set permissions on a table, see Enabling Permission Checking on Data Grids and Tables.

How Do You Know If You Have Permissions on a Table?

When permission checking is enabled, only tables that the user has some permission on are shown in the grid metadata returned by tibdgConnection_GetGridMetadata() .