Working with the Sample-patients Dataset

This example shows how to use various methods to analyze, validate, transform, cleanse, and deliver your data.

The Sample-patients dataset contains a set of fictional patients data, among which some data is invalid. By default, a project named project 1 is created from this dataset. On the home page, click the project name to go to the project data page. The patients data is stored in the following columns:
  • PATNO: Patient number.
  • GENDER: Gender.
  • VISIT: Date of visit.
  • HR: Heart rate.
  • SBP: Systolic blood pressure.
  • DBP: Diastolic blood pressure.
  • DX: Diagnosis code.
  • AE: Adverse event.
This example shows how to analyze, validate, transform, cleanse, and deliver data:
  • Analyzing Data

    Profile data, facet data, check data dependency, and chart data.

  • Validating Data

    Validate data by data types, and analyze and export validating results.

  • Transforming Data

    Transform data into a uniform data format.

  • Cleansing Data

    Trim white space, remove empty rows, and remove or modify invalid data.

  • Delivering Data

    A complete procedure: sample, cleanse, and deliver data.